- Joined
- Feb 24, 2018
- Location
- Southwest ID
Do I always de-bone? No, depends. Loose meat can be a challenge to keep still in a pack sometimes. I rarely de-bone hinds (I like bone in roasts, improves flavor IMO), fronts I will as the bone is a much larger percentage of the weight.Was wondering if you Solo hunters have a particular process to pack out a elk? Do yall
always de-bone? Do yall leap frog meat,or make one straight run at a time? Any tips yall have is most appreciated. I have always hunted in a group and had help. I will be alone this whole September. Only blackies and lions where I will be,so no Griz. My biggest fear is weather and temp. If weather is plenty cold I will bring him out steak by steak if my Old ass has too.Lol Thanks guys.
Leap frog? Not often, but if it is stupid steep out or getting back, yes. Just hate wasting time un-packing to re-pack to un-pack to re-pack etc. However, there are trails/areas where that is the best way for sure.
If it is really warm, meat first then gear. I have left binos, bow, tripods, spotter, etc. all near the meat (overnight even), and brought it out last. That stuff adds up quick as far as pounds go.
Capes are heavy and don't do well in heat. If you are a long way in, and arrow something you may want to mount, really focus on the cape. Get it cool, get it out ASAP to prevent hair slipping. A consideration, taxidermist will sell you a cape if yours isn't available.
Bring a small 6x6 tarp to put quarters/meat on as you are cleaning it up, then when done, use it for shade if the area doesn't really have any. Get it in the windiest area you can. A little breeze will go a long way cooling meat off.