Offshore fishing big island Hawaii


Mar 14, 2016
North Idaho
Kids sports blew up our usual winter trip plans (as well as a summer 2025 AK fishing trip) and we will now be going to the big island the first week of April. Normal we do Maui for a conference and vacation in February and I have never bothered trying to fish there based on research and recommendations. The big island though sounds like the fishing can be worth paying for.

It will be me and my boys (16 and 13) and possibly my wife and 5yo daughter who loves to fish. Exclusive charter preferred, species not super important but would rather have numbers and action over size of fish. Near shore is also not out of the question if that’s a thing there.

Anyone have a boat they’d recommend or those to avoid.

I didn’t want to hijack the other thread. It would be great to take some fish with us but unfortunately we didn’t get a room at the resort with a kitchenette due to availability/cost. Taking some home to Idaho frozen seems logistically challenging. We do it all the time in AK but that’s for many reasons. Do any local restaurants do catch and cook?
Fished out of Honokōhau Marina in Kona several yrs ago, caught wahoo(ono), spearfish and one blue. Multiple charters there, lines go in the water as you leave the marina, never more than 7 or 8 miles from the marina. Is on the leeshore of the big island so sea conditions are better. We went in July as the fishing is best in the summer. Had no issue taking fish off the boat, captain and mate suggested a chinese restaurant to prepare, had wahoo 4 different ways.
Capt was Neal Isaacs, Norms brother, now deceased but many good captains there. Have a local Hawaiian captain here from Kona, can ask for references if you want,pm me. Only downside is heavy tackle as summer is grander time and there is a tournament that runs thru the summer so the captains are always rigged for that possibility. Talked about light tackle with teasers and pitch baiting ballyhoo but no one fishes that way.
Ocean Seafood Chinese Restaurant
Everything I've read and seen over the last several years says that you will only get enough for a meal or two (if any at all), when targeting sportfish. The charter owns the fish and has every right to (and typically do) sell it to market. Very different than the majority of the US.
Everything I've read and seen over the last several years says that you will only get enough for a meal or two (if any at all), when targeting sportfish. The charter owns the fish and has every right to (and typically do) sell it to market. Very different than the majority of the US.
Yup, I was trying to book a marlin trip, the captain felt confident that I'd get one and made it clear that I couldn't keep it or any part of it. He said If I caught some other stuff I'd get a bit but I wouldn't be going back to my AIR BB with 20 lbs of fish.

I ended up cancelling the trip.