Official Tenzing Outdoors - Introduction

Mar 26, 2012
Greetings fans of Rok slide!

As the official online presence for Tenzing Outdoors, we have joined the Rok Slide forum to answer any questions about our packs that you may have, and to take part in the forum conversations in general. We are not here to sell anything — we have stores for that — we just want to engage with like-minded sportsmen and stay on top of the latest hot topics on the minds of those who share the outdoors with us.

Tenzing Outdoors
Is there a list of retailers I could get? I couldn't find anything on your website. I would love to check out your packs in person.
Great to have you here at rokslide. What packs do you recommend for women? Do you have specific features on your packs that will fit a woman's body? What should be considered when choosing a pack? Thanks.
Our packs will be available in major retailers as well as independent outfitters in May. Our website is being revamped as we speak, and the new version will include a tool that helps you find our products in your area. Keep an eye on our website as well as our Facebook page for updates.
Cindy, we were able to design our TZ-1215 pack specifically to fit a woman’s physique and keep it nice and light without leaving out any key features. Here is a link to that pack on our site with different views of it as well as a list of features:

And I also think this video review of that pack featuring a Realtree blogger and our pack designer, Jay Robert, will also be helpful.

Thanks for your interest, and feel free to touch base with us if you have any more questions.
Thanks for the quick response. I am looking forward to checking out your packs in person. I am looking to buy a new pack this year, and the Tenzing is high on my list.
Do you have any pictures of your packs expanded? I'm a huge fan of the versatility of the batwing style of the BL2200, Eberlestock X2, Granite Gear Nimbus, etc. and was wondering how your pack laid out especially to carry meat or larger items than can fit inside the pack. I'm particularly interested in the 4100 cu/in pack... Thanks!
I think you would like the layout of the TZ. It doesn't have the batwing style like you prefer, but the expandable meat chamber is pretty handy and the pocket arrangement keeps things about as organized as possible.

Evan has the pack at the moment, but we should have a video and some photos up soon.
I think you would like the layout of the TZ. It doesn't have the batwing style like you prefer, but the expandable meat chamber is pretty handy and the pocket arrangement keeps things about as organized as possible.

Evan has the pack at the moment, but we should have a video and some photos up soon.

Thanks aron... Tenzing definately has a cool factor about them! Glad they are here!!
Looking forward to your input! I'm always in search of "the perfect pack"... I'll certainly have to look into your products!
I Have been watching these for some time now and the time is crawling! come on may!!!
We are pretty fired up to have Cam on our pro staff. He has helped with product development since the early stages of Tenzing. As you can imagine, he is pretty valuable as a field tester!