Off to saw bones.


Jun 30, 2020
My knee has been in need of replacement for some time now. My decision was made for me when I tore my ACL, not really able to get around very good since I did that, so next Thursday, the 9th I go in for a two for one surgery. Same surgeon who did my detached rotator cuff and hip replacement so I feel comfortable with him. I am a little apprehensive about the whole thing though. I have, what I am told is a high tolerance for pain. Never had much pain with either rotator cuff or hip surgery. All the people who I know who have had the surgery have had a wide range of discomfort, from holly crap, to no big deal. I shall see. I had two three day fishing trips out of San Diego planned which I had to cancel. If it were just my knee, I would have gone and had surgery later, but the ACL changed that.
Good luck and God speed. If they have you taking ibuprofen make sure to take as directed. I also don’t feel the pain so I didn’t take mine after a meniscus surgery. On the follow up the swelling was still really bad. Doc asked if I was taking it and I said no I didn’t need it. He said yes you do, dummy. It’s for the inflammation and you’ll heal faster if there’s less swelling.
Good luck and God speed. If they have you taking ibuprofen make sure to take as directed. I also don’t feel the pain so I didn’t take mine after a meniscus surgery. On the follow up the swelling was still really bad. Doc asked if I was taking it and I said no I didn’t need it. He said yes you do, dummy. It’s for the inflammation and you’ll heal faster if there’s less swelling.
My Dr. has always sent me home from hospital with a prescription for oxycodone which I get just in case, but have never taken any. Actually after shoulder surgery I took one the next morning, then did the wait and see approach, as it turned out, one is all I ever took.
Long-term, I think you’ll be very happy with this decision. I do know a couple of people who, a week following knee replacement, were in enough pain to wished they had never done it. But six months down the road they wishes they had done it five years sooner. Good luck and be diligent about your PT.
Long-term, I think you’ll be very happy with this decision. I do know a couple of people who, a week following knee replacement, were in enough pain to wished they had never done it. But six months down the road they wishes they had done it five years sooner. Good luck and be diligent about your PT.
I'm a big believer in PT. I push it to the max.
My knee has been in need of replacement for some time now. My decision was made for me when I tore my ACL, not really able to get around very good since I did that, so next Thursday, the 9th I go in for a two for one surgery. Same surgeon who did my detached rotator cuff and hip replacement so I feel comfortable with him. I am a little apprehensive about the whole thing though. I have, what I am told is a high tolerance for pain. Never had much pain with either rotator cuff or hip surgery. All the people who I know who have had the surgery have had a wide range of discomfort, from holly crap, to no big deal. I shall see. I had two three day fishing trips out of San Diego planned which I had to cancel. If it were just my knee, I would have gone and had surgery later, but the ACL changed that.
Good luck on a successful surgery and speedy recovery
My Dr. has always sent me home from hospital with a prescription for oxycodone which I get just in case, but have never taken any. Actually after shoulder surgery I took one the next morning, then did the wait and see approach, as it turned out, one is all I ever took.
I usually end up with both oxy and ibuprofen. I have a half used bottle of oxy that’s at least ten years old. I don’t like the stuff and I’m more than a little afraid of it. Maybe ibuprofen is contraindicated when there’s major cutting involved. I think it can contribute to bleeding.

Keep in mind, when it comes to drug expertise… Im an electrician and carpenter. Some guy on the internet. You should definitely take whatever I suggest.😎😎
I usually end up with both oxy and ibuprofen. I have a half used bottle of oxy that’s at least ten years old. I don’t like the stuff and I’m more than a little afraid of it. Maybe ibuprofen is contraindicated when there’s major cutting involved. I think it can contribute to bleeding.

Keep in mind, when it comes to drug expertise… Im an electrician and carpenter. Some guy on the internet. You should definitely take whatever I suggest.😎😎
I was a refrigeration pipe fitter so I have the same expertise.:)
Mother had her first one done almost 2 years ago and is scheduled for this april for the second. She has a really high pain threshold and she took the oxy for a few days and she is scared of that stuff big time. She worked hard at the PT and has had no issues at all with that leg. A friends dad had his done and didnt follow the PT worth a flip and eded up with his almost completely locked up from scar tissue. They put him to sleep, strapped him down and force bent the leg to free the car tissue. He said that was way worse than the replacement. When he had his second one done, his ass did the PT to the letter.
Hang in there! Definitely get a good PT routine and follow it. A lot of common wisdom today babies the knees and ankles, but a good PT will show you how to strengthen
Tomorrow will bw two weeks sine knee replacement and ACL repair. I have had very little pain, not enough to take pain killers. PT and Dr. always ask on a scale of 1-10 how is the pain, I would say 3 may have been tops. I have had five in home PT and once again the pain is minimal. It sometimes hurts when he pushes on my leg to help get flexibility back, but what pain there is is momentary, no be deal. I am now walking without aid of walker, but still use cane, more to prevents a fall as opposed to needing it . I know my other knee replacement is in my future, and now I know it's not all that bad. I hurt a lot more when I fell through a roof hatch and sprained my sternum, For that I took lots of pain killers for about two weeks. PT and Ice right after are the answer. I have an ice therapy machine from when I had hip replaced last April. If knee or hip replacement is in your future and pain has never been a big issue for you, you will be just fine.