Sounds like great minds think alike lol! I too have the credo 2.5-15 on my other two "lightweight" rifles, and the tenmile 3-18 on my "big" 6.5prc. Good scopes all around, just increasing in weight as features and zoom is added.This is the exact dilemma I’m in. Same exact scope. And same issues I have. Eye relief is rough at highest power and I really am so used to dialing for distance with all of my other scopes the swfa always leaves me wanting that. But 11 ounces is a big loss when trying to stay uberlite.
And then to just muddy the waters even more…I have the Trijicon Credo HX on ALL of my other guns and it is only 3 ounces heavier than the NXS 42. And that’s $700 cheaper still. So do I just say if I’m going to “add weight”, do I just add this scope instead due to familiarity and cost. Analysis Paralysis? Mental Masturbation? Call it what you want, but I’m really struggling deciding.