Not sure how to feel about Tribal Hunting…


Apr 14, 2020
Discussing tribal membership requirements is a waste of time. Tribes individually decide what determines citizenship based on their culture, history, politics, etc. For instance, I'm Choctaw and all five of the "civilized" tribes require you to trace unbroken lineage to the Dawes rolls. Percentage of bloodline is irrelevant for my tribe.

Also, my tribe used to work with the state to issue free state licenses to members who were residents of the state. Governor got into a spat with the tribes wanting a greater share of their revenues and refused to renew the license compact, so they formed their own game and fish department, drafted regulations, etc and took over sovereign control of wildlife managment as it applies to their citizens. Their regulations pretty much mirror state regs and seasons, except now state nonresidents who are tribal citizens no longer have to buy a nonres license. Tribal G&F communicates with state and in things like black bear quota, share one quota for all. It's very well managed and regulated, but there is also not a large contiguous "reservation" of tribal owned land so it needs to be somewhat consistent.
Apr 1, 2013
So this is pretty quick and easy, from the Google (BLUF: a blood test is NOT sufficient for membership):

To be a member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, an individual must have a blood quantum of at least one-fourth (25%) "Oceti Sakowin" Sioux Indian blood from a federally recognized tribe; meaning, they need to be at least one-quarter Native American to be eligible for membership.

Key points about Standing Rock membership:

  • Blood quantum requirement: 25%
  • Meaning: This means that to be enrolled, a person must have at least one parent or grandparent who is a recognized member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.
  • Important note: Each Native American tribe has its own specific blood quantum requirements for membership.
I wonder why sioux dont mention Pawnee blood? It was Pawnee before theirs…


Oct 20, 2023
Bad things were done to people hundreds of years ago. It is our duty to right the wrongs of history, even if we had nothing to do with it.
May 10, 2015
Any right.

The logic being used in the original post is exemplified by the few words I quoted from it. I summarized, and expressed it as what gun control folks say.

You eluded to a belief that "rights" have a different status depending on different factors. I am asking you for clarification of your statement/opinion. Are the rights of a Native American less valuable than rights guaranteed to others?

When they grant special privilege above and beyond others, yes.
May 10, 2015
You are arguing that as it is not a necessity, you should be able to restrict it? Not a far step to just eliminate all hunting.

No, I'm arguing these "rights" predicated on need have been surpassed as designed by an increase in economic output and the use of technology.