Not a prepper, but… I was thinking about preparedness.


Jun 6, 2016
Disclaimer here: I’m not a prepper. I’m not trying to get into conspiracy theories or anything. However, I’ve been reading “One Second After”, and thinking about my proximity to DC, and perhaps a little preparedness would go a long ways. My wife is on board after seeing how stupid people got over Covid.

I’m looking for resources and recommendations… not crazy ass forums, but solid resources. Looking for Books, in particular. something we can read when there is no electricity; bushcraft, survival, etc. Also looking for a resource that has a solid list and plan for essential supplies and gear for a long term scenario. Again, trying to avoid the dark corners of the prepping internet. In the end, I want to come out of this with knowledge, supplies, long term food, and a water source to last for a while on our own if it ever came to that. Thanks. Also, if you want to lay awake at night staring at the ceiling, go read that book.
Nobody survives alone. You need to find others who understand and whose collective skills can bridge the gap.

Sufficient individual preparedness for the long term makes you a target and everyone has to sleep sometimes.

That said, water, food, shelter. Rinse. Repeat.
Costco runs specials on their long lasting, dried food supplies every so often. I keep some of that around as well as a lot of home canned food, meat, seafood, veggies, etc. I don't really consider us preppers either, but just prepared. I also keep a healthy supply of propane and gasoline around. And yes, there is a bit of ammo and reloading supplies around.
Costco runs specials on their long lasting, dried food supplies every so often. I keep some of that around as well as a lot of home canned food, meat, seafood, veggies, etc. I don't really consider us preppers either, but just prepared. I also keep a healthy supply of propane and gasoline around. And yes, there is a bit of ammo and reloading supplies around.
My friends consider me a hoarder, especially when it comes to ammo, guilty.
What a good book, truly an eye opener. The movie ‘the road’ is along the same premise only a bit darker.

Supplies only last so long. Knowledge and skill is where it is at. Shelter, water, fire, food and I’ll add security; can you ‘build’ them without supplies? I’m not against supply caches, but don’t forget some ‘primitive skills’ too. Lots of schools in the Virginia area.
One thing that happened to us too is we came into a large quantity of free canning jars due to some deaths in the family and we snagged all of them. We could can or dehydrate quite a bit of everything in our freezers in a pinch. We also keep a crap ton of lids in the house. Uh oh, I sound like a prepper.
If you like that book try "Going Home" by Angery American. I found it to be even more interesting. It really gets your mind thinking about different scenarios you might face and how well prepared you are or are not to deal with them.
Right there with ya man. I a member over at which is ran by Mike Glover. hes ex military and a stand up dude. Youll find like minded folks who will help you on your journey.
So you can get to know him more here is his youtube channel

He also runs another site called Youll find what your after there and more. to be a member you even have to pass a background check as they dont want the crazy people there either. Best of luck reach out if I can help with anything.
When most people think of “prepping” they don’t think of having enough money in savings to cover their needs for three months if they got laid off. That scenario is far more likely than some TEOTWAWKI event (google that). Ask how many people in the last 3 years wish they had that versus 50 gallon drums for rain water collection or radiation tablets from Amazon. Just my two cents…

I’d bet most preppers probably spend way too much money on crap they will never use, and spend way too much time worrying about events that will ever happen.

Maybe that’s the scotch talking, but I think most people need to just use a little bit of common sense and enjoy life, it doesn’t last very long.
Nobody survives alone. You need to find others who understand and whose collective skills can bridge the gap.

Sufficient individual preparedness for the long term makes you a target and everyone has to sleep sometimes.

That said, water, food, shelter. Rinse. Repeat.
well said, read my post above which Im trying to guide you that way. Cant do it alone. You need to find others who have the same idea that you can work with and get you and your wife ready. shooting skills wilderness survival CQB practice and so much more. Youll learn all of that at American Contingency.
I haven't read "One Second After" and from the description sounds like an interesting book, might have to pick that up.

I'll also say that Field Craft Survival and American Contingency are definitely something to look into.

Here's a book that's full of really good stuff and things to think about. Not prepping but definitely useful knowledge on the longterm. It's based on a five acre plot but has lots of stuff about canning, food storage, animal care, carpentry and metal work, etc.

I'm not even close to being a prepper. I know several peppers and they all spend/waste a ton of money on supplies, many of which have already expired or will before they ever use them. Being in a rural area and on good terms with all of my neighbors is more important to me than supplies. If I lived in a major metropolitan area my priorities would change though.