North Park Colorado - Fire Restrictions


Mar 1, 2012
To those heading to N Park Colorado for 1st Season Elk this weekend

The Jackson Co Sheriff has issued the following:

Stage 1 Fire Restrictions goes into effect at 12:00 am (midnight) tonight, Tuesday October 8th 2024 for Jackson County.
So what is not allowed during a Stage 1 fire restrictions?

* Building, maintaining, attending, or using a fire, campfire or stove fire in public lands. This includes charcoal barbecues and grills;

*Fireworks sales, use , and possession, including permissible fireworks;

* Shooting or discharge of firearms for recreational purposes on public lands EXCEPT for hunting with a valid and current hunting license on public lands;

*Smoking, EXCEPT in an enclosed vehicle or building, a developed recreation site, or while stopped in an area at least 10 feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable materials;

* Operating a chainsaw or any internal or external combustion engine without aUSDA or SAE approved spark arrester properly installed and in effective working order, a chemical pressurized fire extinguisher kept with the operator and one pound point shovel with an overall length of 35 inches readily available for use;

* Welding or operating acetylene or other torch with open flame EXCEPT in cleared areas of at least 10 feet in diameter and in possession of a chemical pressurized fire extinguisher;

* Using an explosive or doing any kind of blasting work

*Parking motorized vehicles in the grass or vegetated area that can come in contact with the underside of the vehicle

* Fireworks and exploding targets

Fires are allowed in a constructed, permanent, fire pits or fire grated within developed Forest Service camp and picnic grounds or recreation sites and petroleum-fueled stoves, lanterns or eating devices that meet the factor underwriter’s specifications for safety. Fires that are maintained or attended within a device that has a spark arrest or where the fire is fully enclosed within a screen at all times is allowed.

The recent heat wave has raised wildfire concerns in Colorado
Already seen multiple commenters in the various hunting Facebook groups proclaim that they don't need the gov't to tell them what to do....

There are just some real douchebags who happen to also be hunters.
We actually wouldn’t need any regulations if it weren’t for all the idiots out there… seriously the dumb is strong with more people than you think
I spent 8 days in NP last week moose hunting. I was surprised fire restrictions werent in place already

The whole area is a tinder box

I can't believe that whole west face of Medicine Bows hasn't burned.

At least they logged some of those deadfall hellholes in the state park.
I was hoping to get one last sight-in since it was pretty windy when I did it last weekend after adjusting the scope. Was planning to do that on the way out tomorrow on some BLM we pass through in Jackson County.

@cnelk your post notes that target shooting of any kind is prohibited. Do you have a link to where you got that info?

If I go to they don't (yet) list Jackson Co. as having restrictions. If I click the "Link to County Website" URL I get to: ...but the site appears to have been hacked as it is all a bunch of bullshit about AI tools for SEO, operating your PC, etc.

Some googling brings me here:

Where they seem to have current info... but the infographic (below) implies that target shooting with non-exploding targets and non-incendiary rounds is OK.


I am unable to find a link to the actual text of the Stage 1 Restriction order...

Thanks for any clarifying info anyone has!

If you have FB, go to the Jackson County Road Report page.

Otherwise look at the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office page

I got the above info from them
@cnelk thanks.

I deleted Facebook about 7 years ago shortly after starting work in cybersecurity... but I digress...

I was able to see the info you originally posted on their FB page without an account.

So much for re-sighting... and the open pit pig roast we had planned.

Be safe out there everyone!
Chances this will affect 2nd rifle? Everyone said plan for snow so I bought chains, hot tent, stove etc. I hope it wasn't all for nothing and I have to freeze up there.
Forecast is looking like some moisture may be inbound for 2nd. I’d say you made the right choice.