Wow Guys! I guess I have heard about or just about every steel shell out there with many using the same Brands.
The one thing I'm hearing more about is the Bismuth shells. Some with the Boss copper coated Bismuth and some with the Hevi Bismuth.
Bismuth being more attractive then steel simply because even with a full choke Bismuth copper coated is like shooting lead. Therefore able to use the older shotguns that are not choke equipped. Along with thinking of harm to the Barrels when not using the Bismuth
This too me is a huge, huge ordeal as I have an old Browning auto 5, 32 in full choked barrel, I just will not shoot steel thru it at all.
Now with the Benelli its a different story as I have the chokes to play with for the best patterns i can get.
But! then again even with the Benelli I can put in the Full choke and go on hunting with the Bismuth copper coated Boss shot shells.
One more thing that makes it nice, I do have options with the Boss Bismuth copper coated shells and that makes a huge difference for the way I'm thinking.
The other thing is sure the Boss Bismuth copper coated shells are much more expensive, But! If your killing your birds with the one shot instead of taking the 3 to cripple or kill your birds then in the long run the cost is pretty much equal to the way we shoot now.. Less shells, less cripples, and kill more birds theory.
Gawd I guess the thing Ill do is purchase a case of Boss shells which will put me with three cases. 1 being, federal steel 3 inch 2 s, the other being Hevi steel number 3 s 3 in.
Thinking over deeks with the steel 30 yrds and under and the Boss with 30 plus yrds.
I do a lot of sculling and the steel will work well for that also.
Well gentlemen thanks for all the advise and some great advise at that. I'm convinced that the Boss Bismuth copper coated might be the best all around duck, goose shells to use
hunter73 gentlemen much appreciated!