Non Alcoholic After dinner drink

If you're kicking it for a caloric reduction then a lot of NA beers (ones that aren't just yellow lagers) will still have around 100 calories. That's as much as a White Claw or Michelob Ultra...not saying those are any good or you want the alcohol but there can be a lot of hidden calories in N/A drinks. Plus good N/A beers are damned expensive.

Maybe a Hop Water or La Croix (or similar). I'm a fan of sparkling water like San Peligrino, Topo Chico, Kirkland Italian water, etc. Maybe a small shot of Mio for some flavor and minimal sweetness. Spindrift have real fruit juice and aren't sweet. Those are damn good.
If I can help it I try not to drink anything after dinner. I hate getting up in the middle of the night to piss. Exercise or a walk might be a healthy alternative to take the edge off.
If I can help it I try not to drink anything after dinner. I hate getting up in the middle of the night to piss. Exercise or a walk might be a healthy alternative to take the edge off.
I wrestle with my boys or jump on the trampoline, ride bikes on the canal roads, go for a walk with rifles…

Most of my friends my age with kids drink something and scroll through pointless apps on their phones while their kids sit on tablets or stare at a tv. Yucky.
I'd find something to replace it all together...look at it like having a drink to wind down after work was something you did when you drank. Maybe in this new chapter you could go for a walk, play with the dog, do a puzzle, read a book...something else completely, still low impact/not hard/relaxing, to end your day.
Topo Chico or Italian sparking water from Costco.

Another one that I've really enjoyed is Athletic Brewing Company. Both their IPA and hop flavored water is really good.
I haven't had a drink since October.
Been having Stella NA's with dinner and after.
I'm trying to find a lower cost alternative.

Congrats on quitting, alcohol is the dumbest drug out there. Can't believe this hasn't been mentioned yet, but try kombucha. Fizzy, tasty, probiotic, fraction of the sugar in most canned drinks.
I'm brewing my first batch right now. I hope it works. I completely stopped alcohol two months ago. Never was really a drinker but just seemed to make sense not to drink it at all.
Excellent work quitting cold turkey! I did the same in May '23. La Croix and other brands of sparkling water helped me with going through actual motions of drinking. I don't really have an after dinner routine but I enjoy an occasional kombucha, and go through a gallon of whole raw milk per week; never drink these within an hour of each other as there's a fair bit of biological reactions that can go, at leastin my gut.
I refuse to drink NA beers because of calories, cost, and principle. Quite honestly, I'm a bit affraid to but am all for it if that's what it takes.
Do you mean pot gummies? For quitting alcohol?
Yeah, those gummies with the dope 🤣. But not for quitting alcohol specifically, just because they're nice.

I don't drink or even partake in legal marijuiana activities much anymore. But if I had to chose one, I'm going to pick the one that I actually think is beneficial for you.
If you like the hot tea give the LMNT chocolate salt packs a try. Zero sugar hot cocoa and it’s actually good for you. It’s my go to during hunting season in the mountains and my wife has one a couple times a week during the winter. Congrats on giving up alcohol! Only gets easier when you get passed all the habits that were built around the alcohol.
Wow I can’t believe I never thought to pack those for hunts. They’d be perfect for cold afternoon whitetail sits instead of coffee.
As far as a drink goes, you might try sparkling water (I like Spindrift) with a hefty splash of high quality vinegar (cranberry apple cider from American Vinegar Works is my favorite) over ice.