No Excuses Bullet Help


Jul 30, 2016
Western, PA
I am looking to get some No Excuses bullets for my TC Encore.

I have been a bowhunter for the last 12 years and not killed an animal with a rifle.
I am new to muzzleloading, so excuse my ignorance. But I thought muzzleloader would be a good choice moving into gun hunting since I like getting close as a bowhunter.

I plan to hunt black bear and whitetail with this load. Probably open sites (or rear peep) if i feel confident.

I want a set up that will drop a big boar. I do not plan to shoot over 100yards.

Should I go with the 420g or the 460g?
What load should I start with using BH209. I have a ton of Federal 209a primers.

I do have a moose hunt in Newfoundland fall of 2022.(but I can work on that next year. If needed)
I use the 420gr No Excuses bullets.
Be sure too get the sizing pack first to ensure correct bullet size for your ML

Most MLs take .503 but its best to know what your gun likes

I use 90gr of powder. That'll give both you and the bear plenty of punch
I run the 495's with 85g of 777 and it is accurate to 385 for me. Id lewis has shown that there is a chance for lot variation in the bullets, but for the 100 yard masses.....I think they'll be just fine.
I have the test kit. The .503 fits snug. But the .504 fits real snug. Takes a little extra effort to start it, but goes in good. I do NOT need to use a starter, just the ram rod
I assume go with the .504?
As long as the bullet wont move once seated, go with that size. If the .504 is snug when barrel is clean, it will be plenty snug after a few shots.

Id go with the .503
Either the 420 or the 460 will be fine for the distances you're describing. I'm using the 460s with 90 grains of 777 and it shoots very accurately out to 100 and works great at closer distances without much meat damage.
Good advice to get the sizing pack. The recommended diameter for my gun almost fell down the barrel and I had to go bigger.
I too did the sizing pack, the .503 work best in my CVA VR LR. i have the 420s and this combo with 209 at .95 grains works good for me. However of course on my last hunt it did misfire. I had it loaded for 5 days which is abnormal compared to the practice when loading it and then shooting it right away. Not sure if powder got wet or bad primer. Use the 209s and never had an issue. O well still got a cow.
I used the 460. Mine groups best with 70 of 209. Got a muley at 200 yards last year, clean pass through.
Under 100 yards, those big chunks of lead hardly slow down going through stuff. I'd start at 65 and stop with acceptable accuracy found.
Is it a .45 or .50? I use 460 grn with felt wad in a 50 with 80 grns BH209. Very accurate in my knight disk extreme.
I used the 460. Mine groups best with 70 of 209. Got a muley at 200 yards last year, clean pass through.
Thanks for all the advise guys! I ordered the .503 in 460g.
I am surprised you guys are running 70-90 g oh BH209. I ready 100-120g all over the internet!
I will start my load at 65g and work it up.
Sounds like I will be lethal to 200y. But with open sites, Ill keep it within 100y.
hopefully i get back up to Maine late spring and get a shot at a nice boar With this load.

First off you dont need or want to shoot soft lead too fast. You only accomplish 2 things, leading your barrel quicker and wasting powder. Conicals do great in the 1200-1400fps range. A 460gr at 1400fps is pretty much a 50-90Gov or 45-100 Sharps load.

Second, the T/C QLAs have a history of being cut off center from the bore. This causes conicals to shoot badly. You can cut off the QLA and recrown the muzzle or try a thick wad. The wad can be either a MMP Magnum sub base or a sabot with the petals cut off. This thick "wad" gives the bullet more time to clear the QLA and prevents the gas from disturbing the bullet as it exits.

This is a well known problem with T/C inlines.

BH209 and conicals works. Ive shot a bunch of them with just 70-80gr of powder. That is a solid 1400fps in my 45s. The problem comes in when you are not getting good ignition with such a easy loading projectile. The long style plug in some Encores is not all that great for BH209. The short plug that is the same one used in Omegas is fine.
I agree. It’s a huge chunk of lead. No need to try and push it too fast. I think the sweet spot is just over 1400 FPS for my rifle.
Any thought on loads with my TC Renegade Flintlock using American Pioneer Powder?
Using GOEX and round ball it shoots really good groups with 80g/volume
