New world record archery bull

I don't get the hate I guess.. if he had shot a 350" bull with that tag nobody would be talking about it. Nobody would care if he bought ALL the tickets, nobody would care that he killed him over bait yatayata.
Would everybody else in his situation actually just fade back to the public ground and shoot a little 5 point when this buck got pushed to private ground?? I sure wouldn't have and havent in the past I'll go knock on every door I can.
And you gotta admitt that sitting on one little 40 acre block over bait that had just been put there two days before, in the last two days of season, on a tag like that, was a very ballsy move, not to mention bit of a low odds play really.
Also he said that he had been intentionally chasing the world record for quite a while so of course there is gonna be euphoria when you actually get it.
Honestly he persevered in about every way possible to get to his goal from spending the money and time to hunting the bull wherever he went. I don't really like the idea of buying animals but we could have all been putting in that raffle as well, and we all buy animals to some extent. Just think what it would be like if we all hunting with $100 longbows and $30 dollar arrows, no rangefinder, no binos ect. We all spend money to try to be more successful and reach out goals..
"The whale only gets harpooned when he spouts"

There's a lot of independently wealthy people whose interests (and everyone else) would be far better served never publicizing shooting big animals and how much they paid for it. There are more people that operate this way than don't, I can't imagine having generational wealth and still feel the need to be on a pro staff and the headache that comes with it.