New, updated Eberlestock Mainframe

May 10, 2013
Eberlestock is updating the mainframe..

I have a current mainframe. I used it last fall and worked great. I loved all the Eberlestock accessories (scabbard, bat wings, vapor bag, etc)

But... I had to upgrade the belt. The standard belt is just too thin for me.
And I really wished that it had functional load lifters
And I really wanted compression straps inside the zippers for the bag attachement.

It looks like the new bag will have all those problems addressed...

I reached out to Eberlestock for more information and this is what they told me...
"Thank you for your email and for running our gear! Unfortunately, we do not have a ton of information for the new Mod Frame that we can share at this moment. What we can say is that they are currently in production and you can expect to have one on your back this hunting season. As far as price, that is yet to be determined, but it should be around the same price point as our Mainframe."

Anyone want to buy a slightly used mainframe with both belts??
I really like my F1 and always have. I like it more with the K4 belt on it. I have never had trouble with the load lifters/adjusters either - I do run my shoulder harness on the 2nd to lowest/shortest setting on my tall frame, and I am 6'5". I think that allows more adjustment/rock in the load adjusters to even out the feel of the pack top-bottom across my back. I did 100 box step ups with 45# sandbag on the pack yesterday and when I was done occurred to me I never noticed the pack in any way, neither weight or discomfort.
All that said, I am probably getting the new frame when it comes out. 🤣. The one thing I don't like or use on the F1 is the so-called load shelf. I never use it for anything and keep my loads as high as possible on the frame. It gets in the way if I want to sit down and glass/rest/etc. So I think I'll get the new frame and leave it dedicated to hunting/scouting/field use and the old one will stay in ruck/training duty. 👍
any more information you hear about the new frame would be awesome to know. I was gonna change but it be Nice not to have to but. they would also use a bit bigger bag