I know, I must not be the only one waiting for his 101 post.The disappointment at 100 will be fantastic
I know, I must not be the only one waiting for his 101 post.The disappointment at 100 will be fantastic
Memes are great when they’re all fun and games.
ironic that he asked somebody else to do the work for him. No?
I also don’t know the rules like the back of my hand, but I’m assuming there’s a rule against posting a personal picture of somebody in this manner.
I see what you’re saying, but what if on *the* hunting forum on the internet “so and so” and a couple others say unit “X” is awesome and them and their buddies pull 10 big bulls out of there every year and hardly ever see another hunter, “oh yeah, and you can’t throw a rock without hitting a 180” mule deer buck. Half our stalks get blown by bucks that look like small elk” “best kept secret in the west” “and the FISHING. There isn’t a square foot in “such and such” creek that doesn’t have a trout in it”I'm gonna throw in my two cents here after reading some of the arguments.
Its a private forum, they can set rules and you either follow them or leave.
With that said, if you're asking about a true LE tag(my meaning on this - its a LE unit for the animal you're asking about, there's no general season) I don't see where making a post asking about said unit is a big deal. Great, so 10,000 people can google it and see where someone asked. Whats the chances of them actually drawing the tag and being able to hunt it? I don't know about you guys, but I typically don't spend time in LE country until I draw a tag... and I'm not about to start applying for a unit just because some guy asked about it on a forum.
Now if this unit has a general season for said animal, I completely agree.
Which brings me to a follow up point...
If people googling results is such a bad thing - why not turn off the forum for non-members and search engines. I don't see this happening, and if its such a big deal I'm not sure why it hasn't been done already... or at least make the animal specific forums for members only. If people want to partake in the forum(and information), they have to create an account.
Ultimately, like I mentioned at the beginning - its a private forum. They can choose to moderate it as they see fit. I, nor anyone else has to 100% agree with the rules but we gotta follow them if we want to be here.
I was just brought up to believe if you don't have something intelligent to say, keep your mouth shut.
Weak.OP watching his staunchly held opinions change over time.
Fantastic. I’d all but forgotten about circle back girl.
The internet would die.
Oooo that would be a good one!#Hocktuah
Oooo that would be a good one!
Can’t believe nobody has thrown hawk tuah down yet.
I’d do it, but to meme agains myself?