New rules on posting spots? Really Rokslide?

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Jan 3, 2024
Anti-property rights? I support property rights. I’m not hating on anyone successful enough to own their own property. But existing. public lands is a different story.

Handouts? I don’t want to hand out. If it were easy, I bet 90% of us wouldn’t do it, myself included.

But I would not call it a handout to try to learn from success or failure of others that will shape how I go about putting in the work.
I think when referencing “property rights” they were referencing ownership and management of this site, not anyone’s land.

Basically, “they own it, they can do what they want with it”.


Aug 2, 2022
On a related topic I don't understand why anyone would give info by PM but not post it publicly. If you are giving good info to someone you don't know well, it is almost guaranteed that person will turn around and share it with others, who share it with others, who share it with others. In a round about way every PM is posting it publicly. I don't think a lot of people understand how hard it is to find a place that reliably holds animals during hunting season.


Sep 28, 2021
The wildest thing to me is that OP thinks whining and crying in this attempted pity-party with a generally hostile attitude until he hits 100 posts is going to yield him better results when he asks for spots to burn in a couple hours.


Aug 9, 2020
Short rant.

I’m a rokslider; love the forum. Not an every day guy, but I buy some stuff, sell some stuff, research hunts, read gear articles, etc . Rokslide has generally been a great experience and I like the community.

Here comes the “but”

But what gives with the new rules on FNG posts about “specific areas being locked”

Ii’ve got to get to 100 comments to get out of fng status. I’ve been a membrer for a few years. Do we really useless comments racking up to get status

I drew a tag; askes for advice. There are 140 archrey / rifle elk tags in that unit per year. I’m not blowing up someones spot. Post was locked because i asked for specifics. Mod suggested I ask for recommendations on SW idaho instead. Doesn’t help much, sw idaho is big and diverse. Without unit specific info it’s all but useless.
I don't mind it being blocked as much as I mind the BS excuse that I can still ask for less specific info. Block it or dont.

I find it very as a very beneficial way to share info; specifically amongst out of staters. Don’t like that? Tough shit. Get off the internet. Go to your state about eliminating out of stste tags. Better yet convince them that you should be the only one to ever get tags; just you; all yours. If someone else posts or comments info on PUBLIC LAND THAT YOU DO NOT OWN; I have no sympathy for your stance.

What are we doing? You don’t want someone else using commenting; so you silence them? What is this? Liberals takeover? communist china? I don’t like what you might say so you can’t say it.

Surprised by want the hunting community is doing to itself.

Rant over.
I’ve seen grown men catch hands in the green timber reservoirs of NE Arkansas because they burned a duck hole. I won’t even chance a guess how many slashed tires and broken wind shields I’ve seen at the boat ramps. Things could always be worse than your thread being locked.


Jan 24, 2015
You guys crack me up…..’spot burning’……you know all you have to do is not provide any info, correct? Problem solved. We don’t need heavy handed moderation to tell us what’s good. Sheep.
Actually if you ask some mods this was a request by members tired of seeing FNG come in, ask for info on a unit, then never returning. It’s always the guy that just joined or has 5 posts in 5 years. I wholeheartedly agree with the rule and would invite anybody that doesn’t like it to see their way to the door and not let it hit him in the ass on the way out. Baaaaaaa….

Muley Tag

Dec 8, 2023
Muley Mountains
Actually if you ask some mods this was a request by members tired of seeing FNG come in, ask for info on a unit, then never returning. It’s always the guy that just joined or has 5 posts in 5 years. I wholeheartedly agree with the rule and would invite anybody that doesn’t like it to see their way to the door and not let it hit him in the ass on the way out. Baaaaaaa….
So what? If they don’t come back and they never got info on an open board, what’s the harm? You fit right in on the democratic over regulated agenda. Follow the rest of the flock


Jan 3, 2024
So what? If they don’t come back and they never got info on an open board, what’s the harm? You fit right in on the democratic over regulated agenda. Follow the rest of the flock
Right, but before they rule change (I’m assuming because I haven’t been around here forever) they DID get info, and never contributed or returned.

With the rules the way they are, they aren’t able to get the info. That’s the point.


Jan 24, 2015
So what? If they don’t come back and they never got info on an open board, what’s the harm? You fit right in on the democratic over regulated agenda. Follow the rest of the flock
This is a community of hunters. If a guy comes on here to mooch info and not participate or contribute why would he be welcome? You appear to be on your way to being one of the leeches, hopefully I’m wrong because the articles, reviews, gear talk, etc on rokslide are second to none.


Aug 9, 2020
So what? If they don’t come back and they never got info on an open board, what’s the harm? You fit right in on the democratic over regulated agenda. Follow the rest of the flock
Historically, it just doesn’t work the way it does.


Jan 29, 2022
The West
I’m a free speech guy.

I support others posting their opinions.

What a dumb thing to say… has nothing to do with “free speech” has everything to do with a limited resource. I get that you are an R-Tard troll, take your shenanigans to twitter, Mr free speech, shout into the void about your need for strangers on the internet to help you do something that anyone with a few braincells can figure out. Hunting is not rocket science, hell cave men were pretty good at it. Pick up your spear and get out there hard charger


Apr 2, 2022
Billings, MT
I’ve been a part of other forums that very openly discuss specifics in units where to find game, etc. I believe it absolutely adds to the pressure in those areas.
Jul 6, 2017
On a related topic I don't understand why anyone would give info by PM but not post it publicly. If you are giving good info to someone you don't know well, it is almost guaranteed that person will turn around and share it with others, who share it with others, who share it with others. In a round about way every PM is posting it publicly. I don't think a lot of people understand how hard it is to find a place that reliably holds animals during hunting season.
The difference is that a PM is not publicly posted for the world to see. I have PM'd guys looking for intel but I will only do so for people that have been around a while, I've PM'd with them previously, or have made contributions to the forum (basically, they get it). If a see a post about a unit I've been in from some dude with 4 posts, chances are I'm not going to offer up any intel (for the reasons you cited).
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