I like the tikka trigger a lot but I actually kinda like the accutrigger style triggers… I’m looking forward to seeing the new RA in person.
I had an early Savage with the accutrigger, and it felt more consistent than the Ruger I currently own. The "pre-trigger" on my RA just feels sorta sloppy and an afterthought. I'm hoping the mcarbo lightens the pull significantly once I engage the main trigger.
It's funny, because when shooting my Tikka .25-06 and my RA .308 side by side, even though the recoil on the .308 is completely manageable, the difference in trigger weights/smoothness are noticeable, and I find myself developing some target panic/anxiety "waiting" for the RA to fire compared to the Tikka. Sorry if that's confusing, only way I can describe it. These range sessions have also emphasized the impact of cartridge/recoil for me.
- Both of the rifles have Limbsaver air tech recoil pads
- The Tikka is in factory plastic stock with vertical grip
- The RA is in a Boyds laminate aftermarket "prairie hunter" stock
In combined range sessions, I shoot the Tikka significantly better. In separate sessions the difference is less noticeable, but the Tikka still has the edge, and the RA trigger and .308 recoil are key influences.
I had the RA cut to 16.5 and threaded and am waiting for my suppressor to get out of jail. I'm hoping that between the mcarbo and suppressor I can shoot the RA to its potential. If not, it may go on the classifieds to fund another rifle.