These rifles have always shot lights out for me. I’ve owned 4 different Variants now - the original American, the “hunter” version, and ranch versions - one in 7.62x39 and the other in 350 legend. The 6.5 creedmoor shot 140s at .4 Moa or better out of the box- it was stupid impressive for something that cost a fraction of some of my other guns. I had to buy the 350 legend to hunt on base where straight wall was the only centerfire rifle allowed and it’s taken white tail just fine.
Are the actions refined - not at all but you don’t buy one expecting a better action. Are the triggers awesome? No but a $15 spring fixes that. It’s a rifle I don’t feel bad about beating up and will gladly hand to my kids when it’s time for them to grow into something.
Honestly my biggest gripes were the lack of adjustable comb, the bolt knob, and the barrel length out the gate for most models. They addressed all of those. I will definitely own a ranch in 556 and probably a 7PRC (assuming the barrel is somewhere between 20-22”). I assume the 7PRC will still use their single stack magnum mags which are flush enough for me. But maybe not?
Either way - I think street price will be in the low 6s considering I can get a go wild version for 545 right now.