New Rifle

a prefit for that ctr is a cheaper option than a whole new gun + optic.
it would be if I was keeping the CTR . I can't afford to keep it and get a rifle for hunting. and since I no longer shoot target like I used to (went once in 3 years.) it can go to a new owner.
price quote for the cascade is 629.99 that is way to close to the t3x I thought they were going for less but I guess their popularity has increased the price (they do have the threaded barrel though)
I had a vx3i and it shot groups. Mu old xv2 shoots the same hole w same gun and mounts.

Took Leupold off my preferred list after that and the closed custom shop. Was gonna swap reticles and couldn’t for like 18 minths so sold scope and went elsewhere.

Of all things i got a bushnell banner and it holds zero better than the Leupy. LoL! Disappointing since i grew up w Leupy and Redfield.
I recently wanted to treat myself to new gun so I was looking at 6.5 also in Tikka or Browning but instead picked up a 6.8 xpr
I recently wanted to treat myself to new gun so I was looking at 6.5 also in Tikka or Browning but instead picked up a 6.8 xpr
I have heard the xpr is a nicer rifle than the ruger american. (I like ruger and the predator my buddy has)
Most of the real hard-core elk hunters I know use Leupold scopes, but a lot of internet fellows don't like them. Some guys just read something somewhere and repeat it, often with great enthusiasm.

I have them on many of my hard recoiling hunting rifles (up to and including 416 RM) and have not had any trouble with them. When I hunt with fellows from Europe (esp. the German guys) they almost universally dislike all American scopes and will only use S&B, Zeiss, or Swarovski. It seems to be mostly a matter of perspective, experience, and just plain bias.

The Leupold scopes are not my first choice for a scope that is principally used for dialing, and I don't use them on my benchrest rifles, but in my experience they are generally reliable lightweight hunting scopes. I guess I don't drop them on the ground as much as some other guys do.