New KUIU/Remington rifle

So i dont own any kuiu but i am wondering what if some one took there 300 oldnews and got it dipped in the kuiu pattern wore sitka clothes with first lite boxers a kryptek hat ran a kifaru frame with an exo bag and a seek out side shelter with scarpa boots and darn tough socks. what kinda fag hipster wanabe rating would they get?

Oh you've seen my hunting videos? My wife calls them my stretchy hunting yoga pants. Well if they are as comfortable as my attacks I might be hunting in black yoga pants for 9.99. Now what to do with this bear call and no pockets.......

But alas no SO shelter. Hilleberg will have to do. I hope the sheep n goats don't notice.
Just when I think Jason couldn't take douche bag to a higher level...could you imagine meeting the asswipe who shows up in head to toe Kuiu with a Kuiu pack and a Kuiu/Remlin rifle in 6.5 fanboy ??? I'd make damn sure I didn't camp anywhere near him and his Leakstar tent ! Wouldn't want have him show up soaking wet wanting join me in my Sawtooth.

so your definition of asswipe is someone that wears KUIU? or does that require the rifle as well to make asswipe status? are you one of those douches' that makes fun of your wife/husband for driving a chevy and not a ford...??
Waiting patiently for the cliff test
Dang funny stuff. Wonder of KUIU clothing came in Realtree camo how many would be on board. Ralph Lauren, meet Walmart. There's more Kuiu in stock in the classifieds than China.
Funny stuff. But of all the sites I visit, there are more Kuiu and 6.5 Crudmore Fanboys here, than anywhere else. mtmuley

KUIU ? not a fanboy in any way or shape .... but what's wrong with getting excited about a "new" cartridge ? it IS fun to shoot but then ..... SHOOTING IS FUN no matter what yer shootin' - right after WWII the 30.06 had a whole bunch of "fanboys", the '06 is a good cartridge isn't it ? there are still plenty of shooters who will always gravitate to the .308, it's a good one ain't it ? the 270 win is a great cartridge right ? still ... "if" whatever jerks a guy's chain gets him out shooting I'd think that's a really good thing myself
You know what's really cool? Dudes arguing about clothes like a bunch of old hens.

Any 6.5 is a sweet cartridge. I happen to like 308, and that's ok. If you like 7mm or 280, that's ok too. If you like ford with stacks sticking out the bed I don't give a damn. Just post some hero shots wearing you favorite pants and enjoy.

Whatever supports our sport and pushes other companies to up their game, I'm all for it.
The kuiu hate is strong with this one.

I for one am a fan of their stuff although I don't own a lot. With the exception of a set of alpine pants that leaked like the iraqi navy, which I griped about elsewhere here, I like the dozen or so pieces of kuiu gear I have.

I think they are definitely trying to be an aspirational brand and Jason seems to be selling that sheep hunter meets mountain climber elite image. I don't find this rifle to be a great value but I don't find it offensive. I don't think you go to one of the in house custom shops for a bargain. The regular Remington custom shop 700s go $2-4K before the carbon barrels and titanium actions.

It isn't the lightest rifle or even the most value you could get at that price but. For some people, it will be worth it for the extr cool factor.
The guy buying that rig is the one paying 10k for a guide to find what he wants to shoot, then shows up to yank the trigger and take a selfie. I just can't wait to see a pic of that rifle with a dead sheep that's not the Kuiutard himself....
So how is this rifle different from the kimber? The kimber uses a Sitka pattern that folks have to run out and get clothes to match their rifle. I fail to see the difference.