NEW Kifaru Duplex Timberline Series

I spoke with Angie today as I have a large order coming my expected to ship on the 9th and she said everything is on schedule. She didn't volunteer it would go out early and I wouldn't expect her to. If she made some promises and it didn't happen she would feel awful about it. I have waited this long, two more weeks shouldn't kill me.
It's here:)

Hey Aron, do you hook your lower compression straps to the buckles sewn to the duplex frame or hook a female buckle to the webbing farther up the frame?
I hook it to the sewn in buckle from on the Duplex. You will have a slight angle doing this, but the compression of the bag works well with the angle.

You can attach the female buckle to the webbing on the Duplex to get an exact horizontal line(I tested it several times), but I noticed no advantage to this.
I had to cancel my order due to medical issues with the fam. Nothing to serious just needed to cover the unexpected cost and it was either get the pack and cancel my hunt or go with my old pack and keep my time in the field. Bummed, but I'll re-order a DT1 when I get caught back up. Perhaps this will give Kifaru time to get caught up on orders so I won't have to wait so long.. Congrats to those of you getting your packs. July should be a month with a lot of guys getting nice packages in the mail! :)
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That's to bad HC, but the wait will be close to the same. They don't keep a stock pile of them, made to order on packs.
If you keep your eye out I'll bet you can find a great deal on a used T1 as some people transition to the DT series.
I got an email with a tracking number today. The email said my t-2 and regulator sack should be here tomorrow. Cannot wait to get the pack on and hit the hills.
Just talked to Kifaru...My DT3 suppose to ship on expected date July 10! I was hoping for a bit sooner since some have gotten by 4th of July. I ordered May 4. Either way she said should be 3 days UPS and i should get by friday which is what i need since i'm leaving for a scouting trip that day !!!!!
Well, I decided to go ahead and bite the bullet and order a DT3. I mulled around the idea of a KU with lots of add ons, a regular Timberline 3, or the Kuiu Icon, but just decided to stick with what I know will handle a load and could have a lot more bag options down the line (I'm really hoping Kifaru might come out with some KU stuff for the Duplex frame in the future).

Now I just hope it shows up before I leave for my backpacking medical aid/mission trip to Nepal and the Himilayas this fall.
MY original order date was May 2o'ish I thinks I cannot remember the exact date. My T-2 showed up at about 7:30 on July 3rd. the brown and yellow Christmas sleigh was a welcome sight.
My DT1 & DT3 are slated for a July 9 ship date so next outing will hopefully be to test out the DT1 pack and the Hanwag Mnt Lites.
jdog looks like we have the same pack coming in the mail and the same hunt in August...can't wait. When are you going?