You lost me when you lumped Idaho and Wyoming together and said “nearly 1/3 of the state is managed under controlled hunt only” there are like 5 controlled hunt only mule deer units in Idaho and probably another 4 that should be since it makes no sense to kill every 2 point if you want trophy deer. Wyoming might have a few more controlled hunts for deer and elk but it is mostly general as well.
And no I don’t think mule deer are a dying species as you do. Yes we just had a real tough winter in some areas, yes herds are down across a lot of the west, but the deer that survived this winter are going to see better range conditions, raise a healthier next generation of deer, and there is a lot of work being done toward improving mule deer habitat right now. If we could stop the encroachment of subdivisions(build a wall around the states of California, Oregon and Washington

) on mule deer winter range it would go a long way.
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