Hey all,
Great site here! Stumbled across it in my search for a new pack. The articles, videos, and threads were/are extremely helpful, as living in the foothills of the Allegheny Mountains doesn't afford the opportunity to pack out 200+ pounds of meat on any sort of basis. Been a UL, and dedicated hammock advocate for a while, which is in stark contrast to my "longbow only" style of hunting. Unfortunately for the wife none of my current packs will work for a DIY high country elk hunt.
It should come as no surprise that Kifaru received an order yesterday! Took the plunge on a High Camp 4800, Bikini frame, and the detachable Meat shelf. Multicam on the bag, and plain black on the Bikini. (The pack can handle hauling the climber to the woods; at least that's how I'm justifying the gear upgrade to the wife...) Am excited to say the least!
Went with this set-up in an effort to rehab a double cervical decompression and fusion of C5-6 an C6-7 once I'm released to carry loads and lose the neck brace. A softball collision a month before we were scheduled to travel West, ended my hopes to fill my 2013 CO Elk tag in Unit 55. God willing, 2014 will be different!
Again, great site, and I look forward to learning from everyone,
Mudd Foot
Great site here! Stumbled across it in my search for a new pack. The articles, videos, and threads were/are extremely helpful, as living in the foothills of the Allegheny Mountains doesn't afford the opportunity to pack out 200+ pounds of meat on any sort of basis. Been a UL, and dedicated hammock advocate for a while, which is in stark contrast to my "longbow only" style of hunting. Unfortunately for the wife none of my current packs will work for a DIY high country elk hunt.
It should come as no surprise that Kifaru received an order yesterday! Took the plunge on a High Camp 4800, Bikini frame, and the detachable Meat shelf. Multicam on the bag, and plain black on the Bikini. (The pack can handle hauling the climber to the woods; at least that's how I'm justifying the gear upgrade to the wife...) Am excited to say the least!
Went with this set-up in an effort to rehab a double cervical decompression and fusion of C5-6 an C6-7 once I'm released to carry loads and lose the neck brace. A softball collision a month before we were scheduled to travel West, ended my hopes to fill my 2013 CO Elk tag in Unit 55. God willing, 2014 will be different!
Again, great site, and I look forward to learning from everyone,
Mudd Foot