New guy here from Alabama


Oct 28, 2024
IMG_6459.jpegNew guy from Alabama here. Bonafide hillbilly raised on the east side of the state’s tallest mountain. Interested in all forms of hunting ,fishing, backpacking, even trapped a bit in my younger years.

Enjoy traveling the west and Midwest.

Glad to be a new member here and look forward to other’s experiences.
As the self-appointed chairman of the welcoming committee, it is my privilege to extend a laurel, and hearty handshake (virtual, of course) to our new AL member.


P.S. You sir, are awarded the pretigious (self proclaimed by me, of course) FNG ⭐ for your excellent intro that also includes a picture. Well done. (y)
Thanks Eddie62 and Eddielasvegas for the warm welcome. I’ve enjoyed the forums, lot of good info here.
That’s awesome. I’ve hunted it for at least 50 years and have seen a lot of changes in that time. Sure wish it wasn’t being clear cutted and managed for a pine tree plantation. It’s getting harder and harder to find old growth hardwoods without having to bail off into an abyss that’s all but impossible to drag a deer back out of.
Just returned from vacationing out your way Throughhiker, thanks. We traveled the length of Wyoming through Yellowstone after flying in to Denver. We never tire of the scenery that y’all enjoy daily.
View attachment 782876New guy from Alabama here. Bonafide hillbilly raised on the east side of the state’s tallest mountain. Interested in all forms of hunting ,fishing, backpacking, even trapped a bit in my younger years.

Enjoy traveling the west and Midwest.

Glad to be a new member here and look forward to other’s experiences.
Funny you mention the tallest mountain in AL. I like to spend my time on the second highest mountain in AL just down the road a little way. Welcome to the community! Maybe I'll see you at Choccolocco this season.
You must be talking about Dugger Mtn? And yes look for me in a gray wrangler or black tundra because I hunt Chocolocco a good bit. Been too warm this far and haven’t seen much yet :(
You must be talking about Dugger Mtn? And yes look for me in a gray wrangler or black tundra because I hunt Chocolocco a good bit. Been too warm this far and haven’t seen much yet :(
Yessir, I love hunting/hiking around Dugger Mtn. I have seen an abundance of turkey, coyote, and deer sign, but have not sealed the deal on anything yet. Weather has been brutal.
Flathead#2 they ARE abundant in the NF. Biggest one I ever saw was slithering across hwy 281 several years back. He stretched from the center line to within a foot or so of the line on the edge of the road making him about 7’ in length. I would’ve taken him out but was riding a motorcycle and all I did was infuriate him because the bike didn’t weigh enough:(