New gear or more hunting trips?


Mar 11, 2012
This year I am thinking about buying some new gear. Manly a new Hoyt CST and a new A&H longbow. Maybe a few new hunting duds too. As I start doing the math I realized holy cow that's a lot of money and I could go on a couple out of state hunts for the cost of this stuff.
I am very blessed with an understanding wife that knows how much hunting means to me. So a couple of weeks of hunting away from home is not a big deal for us.
I guess I'm just trying to figure out what's more important gear or hunts? What's your thoughts?
Here is an example. A&H longbow and all the fixings will run me about 2000$. A Candian moose hunt through an outfitter that I've used before. About 2000$, gas included.
I tend to buy gear when I need it and when I do I usually buy the best I can afford at the time (which for me may not be the most expensive). That being said "when I need it" doesn't mean every year getting the latest but rather when my old stuff has gotten worn out or I feel something is going to significantly help me out. My last bow purchase was a Hoyt Alphamax 32 and I will have that for a long time. Great bow, no need to upgrade for me as I've killed elk with it.

I'd spend some of the money on hunts personally. Hell, buy some of the gear you want and use the rest on hunts.
Go hunting for sure. I think money is much better spent on gas,time off and tags than on gear.
While to a certain extent having the right gear can be the difference between an enjoyable trip or not, I would always rather take another trip than have the latest and greatest!
My hunting trips are limited by time off, not by money since I mainly do DIY trips.... So luckily I'm not ever put in the situation to choose one or the other. I'd always choose to go hunting though if I had plenty of time available and not enough money for both. What good does new gear do you if you aren't out in the field using it?
Hunt everytime Bows are material items and you would have 4k in two bows.the carbon bows are nice and all but it's IMO you gain little over Hoyt's aluminum bows for 400 or 500 less dollars. But hey that's me I'm a state employee and buy used bows :)
I'm the opposite of TEmbry , I can take all the time off I can pay for. Once I have serviceable gear the hunting comes first. I'm saving for four weeks this fall and if business gets better I'll try to add three more and another state. Seven weeks would be awsome ! :)
Depends on the hunting trip and the gear. New bow? Hunting trip. Guided hunt w canvas drop tents and wood burning stove vs new gear? Hunting trip. Backpack do it yourself hunt or better gear? Gear. I have learned, mostly from others that decided on a backpack hunt without the right gear that things can get miserable fairly quickly.
I did a lot of huntin this year with less than high end gear. Didnt really find myself saying I wish I had better gear except for a few times, and I was just fine.
I like great gear and am fortunate enough to have some cool stuff, but really, within reason, it's effects on a hunt are way over rated. Time, fitness/conditioning and money to hunt all trump new gear every time for this guy.
I would say it really depends on the gear you are wanting to replace and how badly it needs replacing. If the gear I have is good and really doesn't need upgrading and I can go on a hunt you can bet I'm going hunting. If my gear really needed an upgrade do to damage or just worn out then I'd opt for the gear. If you are patient you could do a lot of internet searching and find most of the gear you want new or slightly used at good discounts and still be able to afford your hunts.
Everything has limits. Example, boots I would say are a top priority (I've only hunted the west a couple times but I know the importance of quiality footwear). Life safety suff--shelter, fire, rain\snow gear etc. That said I've already reallocated some gear funds to make a hunt happen this fall.
Perfect timing on this thread! Just saw a buddies new pack (built by a reputable pack maker fairly highly thought of on here...) and had just about convinced myself to sell one of the children to replace my pack that is only a year and a half old. When it dawned on me that I have a couple tags I have to go fill (as well as some OTC opportunities to pursue) and that my gear worked fine last year... Looks like I may have pulled up just in time, little upgrades, money to the pilot, and more memories when I'm old and miserable!
Perfect timing on this thread! Just saw a buddies new pack (built by a reputable pack maker fairly highly thought of on here...) and had just about convinced myself to sell one of the children to replace my pack that is only a year and a half old. When it dawned on me that I have a couple tags I have to go fill (as well as some OTC opportunities to pursue) and that my gear worked fine last year... Looks like I may have pulled up just in time, little upgrades, money to the pilot, and more memories when I'm old and miserable!

Excellent plan! Besides, your kids look pretty cute, I bet you would miss them :)
Time aflield will always trump the gear you are using. I'd rather hunt with Nikon Monarch binos and a $600 spotter than save up for a $3K+ spotter and $2K+ binos and only get to use them for a couple trips per season.

Luckily I'm blessed with more time off than most (but never enough ;) ) and still semi decent selection of gear to draw from. But being out in the field is a priority for me. So much so that I take weeks of leave without pay each year cause I enjoy it that much and its a priority for me. I can understand those that don't want to prioritize that much to go out and be in the woods or can't, but you don't need a $300, a $600 pack, $5K in optics and a $2K rifle to go kill stuff. Really you can get it done with stuff that costs a 1/4 of those prices. Sure its nice to have those things, but if it ever comes down to extra time at work to pay for toys when you could be hunting then it quickly becomes NOT worth it.