New duck hunter needs advice on shells.

You are essentially shooting slugs at the ducks. Id switch to a more open choke. The SXP uses invector plus so based on the chart you posted. Looks like your Jebs is tighter then a turkey choke.
That's what it looks like. I will not be using those anymore LOL.
I'm kind of new to the duck hunting world. Been deer hunter all my life. Have a buddy that offer to take me duck hunting 2 years ago when he got a duck boat. Kind of hooked now LOL. Alot to digest because so much out there. I have a winchester sxp shoot gun and have jeb .690 choke. Very expensive to buy a bunch of different brand shells to shoot. Does anyone have this setup to give advice on the shells that patterns the best? I know it's kind of a loaded (pun intended lol) question. Different brand guns shoot different chokes and shells different. Just curious is all.
Kent or Hevi Shot. Bismuth if you can afford it. Both brands also offer pretty good discounts for military/veteran or LEO if that applies to you. Good luck!
Use a modified choke, shot #2s 3", I like 1 1/4 or 1 1/5 oz. I just buy cases from Rogers sporting goods, Federals for early season or ducks and Fiocchi's when I get more serious. Bismuth is great and works well, but I have not felt the need to switchover.
Jebs makes waterfowl chokes rated for steel in .690, it is tight and a long range tube.
Geez louise we can call it the Skybuster Special then.

Note that steel patterns tighter than lead. I would recommend an IC choke for steel before I recommended a Full choke. But hey, I like to shoot them in the face at 5 yds rather than show off my (admitedly poor) wingshooting at 50
I’ve been duck hunting 8-9 years now. I’ve tried Boss bismuth and yeah they work very well if your are shooting well but if you are missing all I see is dollar bills going down range.

I’ve been using the federal power shok or the Winchester superXs for most my years. Normally in 3” 2s for the whole season. I’ll up it to 3.5” 2s for divers in the late season and 3.5” BB for geese.

I mainly use patternmaster.

I know the Winchester SXP is a great gun and many people love their’s. I hated mine. I never got used to the Speed Pump and would short stroke it every time. I shot it a lot. Finally on opening day I missed on two separate wood ducks easy follow up shots. Due to short stroking I’d rechamber the empty shell. That day I took that shotgun, a pistol and a rifle to the gun shop and traded them off and threw more money in on a Winchester SX4 and never looked back. It was honestly the best thing I’ve done for my duck hunting career thus far.
I shoot a Winchester 101 20ga and my buddy a beretta a400 28ga
With bismuth #2 & #4 we smoke ducks and geese probably 75% better then any type steel + you don’t need a 10 or 3 1/2 inch 12ga and suffer the consequences of recoil ( which is #1 reason for poor shooting)
My 101 is I/c & mod
Geez louise we can call it the Skybuster Special then.

Note that steel patterns tighter than lead. I would recommend an IC choke for steel before I recommended a Full choke. But hey, I like to shoot them in the face at 5 yds rather than show off my (admitedly poor) wingshooting at 50
I like shooting them in the face with a full choke my self. I have tried the more open chokes and I can’t shoot them. Maybe it’s having shot a full choke from trap to everything else the last 35 years .
Ignore me. Just posting to get my 10 comments for classifieds

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul
I like using Kent 3.5" #2's for later season or when geese might also be in the mix. If I think I am going to be right on the X I have a flat of #3 Federal Speed Shok I believe. If I do my part ducks fall. Usually using my Benelli SBE 2
At duck camp, there is a franchi barrel hanging on the wall. The rib is peeled back, almost vertical and the barrel is circumferentially ripped open along the choke tube lines.

Don't shoot crazy tight chokes with standard steel.
I'm kind of new to the duck hunting world. Been deer hunter all my life. Have a buddy that offer to take me duck hunting 2 years ago when he got a duck boat. Kind of hooked now LOL. Alot to digest because so much out there. I have a winchester sxp shoot gun and have jeb .690 choke. Very expensive to buy a bunch of different brand shells to shoot. Does anyone have this setup to give advice on the shells that patterns the best? I know it's kind of a loaded (pun intended lol) question. Different brand guns shoot different chokes and shells different. Just curious is all.
I shoot a sx3 with Carlson cremator tubes. I never shoot the expensive crap. I kill everything with either cheap winchester or federal ammo.