I've been working on a new 3P tent design and I'd like some croudsourced opinions on one of the design components. In particular, I would like opinions from people that run hot tents as well as non-hot tents on whether we should include our ARC removeable stove jack on this tent. Without divulging too much, we have been debating internally whether or not a stove jack is important on this 3P tent. It is a 3P tent and can fit 3 large men with some gear, but is ideal for 2 people and all your gear.
Due to the design, it will either have 1 door and stove jack, or two doors and no stove jack. 2 doors offers better accessiblity, but would eliminate the ability to have a stove jack. We offer other hot tents to accomodate 2 people a stove and gear, and this 3P tent if it had a stove would be a 2P tent with all your gear, but it would be "cozy" with all your gear, stove and a wood pile.
My question for you all: How important is a stove for you in a smaller backpacking style tent like this? Why or why not? Also, how many of you have smaller backpacking tents for the warmer months and hot tents for the colder, wetter season?
And just to manage expectations, we won't be able to make everyone happy with the final product, but I do value experienced opinions so please fire away.