Broken Points System Rambling

I agree that Youth Preference should be for Female/Antler-less draws only

Lots of nuances with a point system that will always cause complaints. But will persist as long as States want to make extra money off applicants.

Most “fair” imo is a random draw WITH waiting periods.

To increase odds at a specific tag you can restrict applications to 1 species (Utah and Idaho sort of do it) But once again will reduce application money coming in.

The most Capitalistic and still arguably “fair” would be to Auction off EVERY tag! Anyone could bid on a tag. Costs would not be as high as current auction tag prices, but most likely higher than current prices. States would maximize tag Revenues each year. And could charge an auction fee to participate

But that would reduce participation and eventually majority public support for hunting, due to favoring the wealthy. In a sense this already exists with current auction, landowner and outfitter tags available to buy. Prices are high due to the limited availability.
There is no perfect system. Seemed like we were all better off prior to “influencers” making a living on pimping western hunting no matter the system, now that is out of the tube of toothpaste and never going back. All systems have their set of negatives, whatever the system, residents should get preferential treatment to ensure they can hunt close(r) to home every year. Honestly tags will continue to be harder to come by as NR in the future I would guess no matter the system
Some random clowns who don't give two shits about hunting, ethics or anything other than bragging to their buddies get premium tags every year. They really "earned" em over some kid who may become a lifetime hunter and pass down the tradition to their own children.

Tags are drawn based on the state system in place, there's no way to "earn" a tag regardless of age.
I don't think a kids set aside is a bad thing. I don't see the value in a kid getting a sheep, goat, moose, whatever tag or set aside.

I know several people who hunted with their dads as children and shot what most hunters would consider to be a high value animal only to never hunt again.

160 Whitetail in Montana

Bighorn ram in Wyoming. (shot by a non-resident, kid who party hunted it with his cousin illegally). Trophy of a lifetime for most on here.

The majority of dad's will not let a trophy of a lifetime type tag go unfilled by their child. Often it will be illegally party hunted to ensure it is filled.

The concept where a person may gift a tag to someone else they are related to is also BS. Tags should be 100% non-transferrable.
Agree. And through their non-hunting wives and mothers. And not just out west.
Family part hunting is a real problem everywhere.

I remember a Wyoming article where an 85 year old grannie had killed an absolute monster buck or bull, and the game and fish wanted to go after her. She hadn't been outside of her house in years.
I differ from most. I don’t think preference points systems are broken. They function just as designed. Results may not be favorable, but system works. I believe those at the front of the line, that have been waiting the longest, get the prize. The phenomenon of changing the rules to move people up in the line is a relatively new concept that started as draw odds plummeted.

If a state makes a change that benefits me, such as 2028 CO, I’ll use it to my advantage. But I don’t forum lobby for the change.
Some random clowns who don't give two shits about hunting, ethics or anything other than bragging to their buddies get premium tags every year. They really "earned" em over some kid who may become a lifetime hunter and pass down the tradition to their own children.

Tags are drawn based on the state system in place, there's no way to "earn" a tag regardless of age.
Don't call people clowns. It is disrespectful.

Tags are drawn.

Tags can be bought through the Govenor's tags programs in most states.

There needs to be some gateway for kids to get tags. I do not agree that non-resident kids should be allowed in the same pools as resident kids.

Take a look at the programs in New Mexico.

A non-resident child in New Mexico has a similar to slightly better odds than a resident child. They still are only competing for 4% of the tags in the general youth draw.
I differ from most. I don’t think preference points systems are broken. They function just as designed. Results may not be favorable, but system works. I believe those at the front of the line, that have been waiting the longest, get the prize. The phenomenon of changing the rules to move people up in the line is a relatively new concept that started as draw odds plummeted.

If a state makes a change that benefits me, such as 2028 CO, I’ll use it to my advantage. But I don’t forum lobby for the change.

There are 50-80 years worth of applicants in most preference point programs. Only the top 1-6 years of applicants will draw tags in the next 10-20 years.
If you guys who want to eliminate kids from the drawing are being perfectly honest, you're selfish and want the tag for yourself. The more people who get eliminated from the drawing the better your odds are.

That's exactly how point systems work and that's why some people love them. I'm also selfish and I want to draw a tag too, but I'm a freedom loving American and I appreciate a random draw for that reason.
That wasn't my original point being made.

No one said to eliminate youth. The point is a NR Youth (emphasis on NR) should NOT have 100% priority over the taxpaying resident adults. The secondary draw in CO is a prime example of an exercise in futility.

These kids already have great opportunities in their own state AND had a great shot at an awesome unit in CO already.
That wasn't my original point being made.

No one said to eliminate youth. The point is a NR Youth (emphasis on NR) should NOT have 100% priority over the taxpaying resident adults. The secondary draw in CO is a prime example of an exercise in futility.

These kids already have great opportunities in their own state AND had a great shot at an awesome unit in CO already.
This is spot on
There are 50-80 years worth of applicants in most preference point programs. Only the top 1-6 years of applicants will draw tags in the next 10-20 years.
I understand. I'm just saying I don't like to see high point holders lose chances to lower point holders. No way do you have to be in the top 1-6 years of points to have a good hunt in the next 10-20 years. If a person focuses on a tag they can't draw for 20 years, or never, nothing I can do about that. So many, and I don't mean you, worry too much about what they can't draw, when they should be looking for what they can draw.
To increase odds at a specific tag you can restrict applications to 1 species (Utah and Idaho sort of do it) But once again will reduce application money coming in.

Or better yet, allow to apply for all species but you can only draw one tag and then have a waiting period of 2, 3, 5 or however many years before you can apply for that particular species again.
Or better yet, allow to apply for all species but you can only draw one tag and then have a waiting period of 2, 3, 5 or however many years before you can apply for that particular species again.
That would have practically no effect on making a species easier to draw since so few people draw a tag anyway to be excluded from other draws.

But cutting out 60-85% of total applicants per species by making them pick only one could be a game changer for some draw odds.

1:100 odds could be 1:15 odds for some hunts
That would have practically no effect on making a species easier to draw since so few people draw a tag anyway to be excluded from other draws.

But cutting out 60-85% of total applicants per species by making them pick only one could be a game changer for some draw odds.

1:100 odds could be 1:15 odds for some hunts
Utah has waiting periods and also makes you choose a single species-- still crazy point creep

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That would have practically no effect on making a species easier to draw since so few people draw a tag anyway to be excluded from other draws.

But cutting out 60-85% of total applicants per species by making them pick only one could be a game changer for some draw odds.

1:100 odds could be 1:15 odds for some hunts

Choosing only one species applies when there are very few tags available to begin with.

As far as "fair" goes...being able to draw multiple tags with multiple applications certainly isn't it.
Utah has waiting periods and also makes you choose a single species-- still crazy point creep

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Yes but you said “points”- the premise was random draw with only one selection.

That said UT does still have point creep in their system and they do allow Residents to pick 2 species. (Limited and OIL)

But if you were to compare Resident applicant numbers for some of the OIL and Limited units to other states that don’t make you pick just one (or 2) you will see that the odds are not as bad as they could be.

Imagine in Utah if the Res hunters could apply for both Elk AND Deer in the limited draw. I’m sure the number of applicants would double for each for sure
Oh. “Here is my suggestion….

Another thread solving all the points and drawing problems. Living in the land of make believe.

Never seen one of these before. Must be the offseason.

Nobody cares about your points.
Look at the rev states get just from points folks think they implemented them for fairness...:ROFLMAO:

The status quo remains status quo due to the rev it generates. States make millions annually on pp systems with no impact on the reasource.