Neo Treks GPS


Feb 26, 2012
Olympia, WA
I suggest you guys that have smartphones take a look at this app.

It used to be AccuTerra Unlimited, now it's been bought out. The app is currently free and has the ability to cache high quality topo maps with property ownership boundaries. It will also cache google maps images and allow you to jump back and forth while showing your position. It does this without cell service. I paid $10 for AccuTerra a few years ago (then it went up to $20 later on) but now they wouldn't allow me download any more content without getting the new app. When I found it, I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was free.


Feb 26, 2012
Olympia, WA
It also looks like it is free to download, but $30/year for a subscription.

Well I have the data (ie. topo maps) downloaded and I never signed or agreed to a contract, so I'm not sure how they plan on charging me. =)


Feb 26, 2012
Olympia, WA
It also looks like it is free to download, but $30/year for a subscription.

My bad. I should have read better. My access was grandfathered over to the new app from AccuTerra. That's too bad. Sorry for the misinformation. It's still a pretty good deal at $30 per year. Remember, you could always download everything you need in the first year and then delete the app.


May 29, 2012
Well I downloaded the app and paid the $20 and I guess I should have read the fine print first.. You got my attention when you mentioned the ability to cache google satellite images! Maybe the old version is different but just a heads up to others this app does NOT allow you to cache and save google satellite images in this app. For my $ GAIA GPS is the superior program for less than 1/2 the cost and it has UTM coordinates which I prefer to Lat/Lon for cross navigating to a paper map. I think prefer true usgs topos as well i guess due to long time familiarity......


Feb 26, 2012
Olympia, WA
Well I downloaded the app and paid the $20 and I guess I should have read the fine print first.. You got my attention when you mentioned the ability to cache google satellite images! Maybe the old version is different but just a heads up to others this app does NOT allow you to cache and save google satellite images in this app. For my $ GAIA GPS is the superior program for less than 1/2 the cost and it has UTM coordinates which I prefer to Lat/Lon for cross navigating to a paper map. I think prefer true usgs topos as well i guess due to long time familiarity......

I just tried it and it works. Do you know what cache means? It does not mean save. What you need to do is go to your desired area on the topo and then switch to the Google Satellite mode while you have internet or cell service. Make sure and zoom in all the way and scroll around until it loads everything you will want to see when you don't have service. Put the app back in AccuTerra mode and close out of it. Put your phone on airplane mode and reopen the app. You should have both the saved AccuTerra maps and the cached aerial photos. They should both show your position and allow you to zoom in and out.

I did this exact thing in MT and WA for the last few years and even with turning my on and off, the cached images were still there as long as I loaded them all the way while I had service. Does this make sense?
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Feb 26, 2012
Olympia, WA
I was going to post some screen shots, but never mind. They show my location. Lol.
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May 29, 2012
Thanks Slim i was just trying to point this out to everyone because the way you worded your first post was a little sloppy and yup I know what cache means. My point was that only the accuterra maps are able to be "cached".
In you original post you stated:

"It will also cache google maps images and allow you to jump back and forth between while showing your position. it does this without cell service"

Then you just said:
" then switch to google satellite mode while you have Internet or cell service"

Hence the confusion on my part. No biggie its only money. Next time swinging flies near La Push you can buy me a Ranier...Cheers


Feb 26, 2012
Olympia, WA
Thanks Slim i was just trying to point this out to everyone because the way you worded your first post was a little sloppy and yup I know what cache means. My point was that only the accuterra maps are able to be "cached".
In you original post you stated:

"It will also cache google maps images and allow you to jump back and forth between while showing your position. it does this without cell service"

Then you just said:
" then switch to google satellite mode while you have Internet or cell service"

Hence the confusion on my part. No biggie its only money. Next time swinging flies near La Push you can buy me a Ranier...Cheers

I don't think we are on the same page. Maybe I am the one that is confused.

The AccuTerra maps are not cached, they are permanently stored on the hard-drive of the device.

This is the definition of cache that I am working off of: Web cache, a mechanism for the temporary storage of web documents to increase performance. The AccuTerra maps are not temporary. Basically, a web cache is a background storage of information that is out of your control. It's done automatically by your device or a program.

I don't see how you aren't getting what you were looking for with this program. You can easily view Google satellite images (aka. aerial photos) with zero cell phone service. The only requirement is that you cache the aerial photos before you go on your trip while you have cell service. If this is done the aerial photos will remain in the apps memory cache even if you turn off your phone completely and turn it back on. For all practical purposes the Google Satellite images are saved to your device permanently (as I have never been able to get rid of them once they are there).

And again, to cache the Google satellite images all that needs to be done is for you to view the area that you plan on going to (it could be 100x100 miles, it doesn't matter) at the highest level of zoom BEFORE you go there and lose cell service. This will "save" the info in your app's cache without doing anything else.
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