Needing better choices for high country

-search "keto fat bombs". You will find a ton of options for quick one bite snacks high in healthy fats

I just did a quick search on these....How do they keep in a pack in warmer temps (50-70 degrees). Sounds like a lot of them would maybe liquefy?
I prefer to go with rice and pasta meals from the grocery store that I add meat to. I don't try to minimize the amount of time I run my stove so I can cook it as long as it needs. Better in terms of salt content and you can tailor them to what you like.

As for being able to or wanting to eat at altitude, that is a common problem. You just don't feel hungry even though you need to eat. I too like the idea of cookies, but why buy them when you can make them yourself and not deal with preservatives and chemicals. I am experimenting with the idea of baking large oatmeal cookies and adding raisins, craisins, chocolate chips, nuts, coconut flakes, brown sugar, whatever you want to boost the nutrition in them. They taste good, are easy to pack and eat, and they are more of a treat than a meal in my mind so I tend to eat them more than a meal replacement bar. Easier and less mess than making oatmeal in the morning. Good for an afternoon meal too with nut butter on them and your beverage of choice.

Unfortunately this year we are in the middle of moving. I'm packing up right now and we will be living out of a hotel for a few weeks till we close on a house. I may try that in the future but since I will be out hunting when we close on the house (and for our 10th wedding anniversary) it's not in the cards for this fall
I tried pacaroons this past winter. I like them. They are just a bit expensive. I was also disappointed on how quick I was supposed to use everything. Probably should have looked more for shelf life information but I try to order (with mountain house anyways) my food over time thru the year and spread the cost out. It put a bad easy in my mouth when I got everything to see I needed to use it up in 3-4 months. Having said that I will get over it and order again in the future.
I stumbled onto the Erin's Breakfast Cookies going through threads like this one and wanted to give them a try. I wanted to get the oatmeal raisin, but Amazon didn't have those at that time with the free shipping. So, I decided on a box of the peanut butter chocolate chunk. I was pretty excited to try them and was fairly disappointed. I may have "inflated" my expectations? What I found odd about the cookie was the taste-it didn't really have much of any. It most certainly didn't have any noticeable peanut butter or chocolate flavor at all. I was pretty bummed... They aren't horrible; the texture is pretty good and they're soft and chewy, which I like in a cookie. It was just surprising to me at how little the cookie tasted anything like the description it was given.

When I was young, I used to do a fair amount of expedition climbing, working as a mule and logistics guy. When you say "high altitude" you probably mean around 10,000 feet. My "high altitude" culminated on the South Col toward Everest in `77. With that in mind, I'll tell you two things: first, eat no matter what it tastes like. just stuff it in. and most importantly, hydrate constantly. If you're dehydrated, your blood at altitude doesn't perform well, and you can suffer from a drop in performance. At lower altitudes, it usually isn't a medical problem; at 26,000 feet, it can be fatal. Doesn't matter what it tastes like, just wash it down with lots of water. You'll see your performance at higher elevations begin to pick up almost immediately. And at lower altitudes, give Packit Gourmet a look see. With stuff in their general grocery section, I managed to pull off crawfish etouffee with a pack of frozen crawdad parts!!DSCF0143.jpg
So Life has been busy. Since I posted last we moved from Indiana to Kentucky, I was gone for 2 weeks out to Colorado Elk hunting/ return trip to minnesota, we bought a house and I'm in process of remodeling/ moving in so I haven't been able to get back to some of the things that I tried.

I did try the superman as referenced above. It did go down better, but still not sure about how well it sat with me. After 2 days I didn't want to try it anymore.

I ordered Erin's cookies, but they didn't make it here until I got back from the trip due to a shipping error on their part. Actually I still don't have them. When I ordered them I sent it to a place that I was stopping at before I hit the mountains and there they sit to try to give them as much time as possible to get to me before the trip - which still didn't work.

I did the bacon/ pb/ honey and a tortila That seemed to do ok. I had a couple of the probars / epic bars (bison/bacon /cranberry) and quest bars. I like the probers the best. Also got chewed out by my hunting partner for making too much noise with the wrappers so zip lock bags will be part of future trips.

I tried a few different meals - mountain house, heathers choice and good-to-go. Heathers Choice - I have tried a few of there meals (4 or 5) and they are just not for me. The good-to-go I had was really good and the mountain houses are fine.

The best thing I had with me were GU packets. I was fortunate enough to shoot an elk on day 2. From shot to packed out and in the cooler took almost 11 hours. 5 miles one way and the first mile was all uphill. The GU packets were key for the last trip for meat. I made better time and had energy to spare than the first meat packet trip.

Thanks for all the replies. Really wished I could spend more time out West to get everything nailed down but I am thankful for forums like this and advise from people that know there stuff.
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