Crazy Mountains Success

That's a great hunt. I am jealous of you guys who can get guys to travel several states away to help on a hunt. I can't get one pard to come out when we're less than 100 miles from home.
Don’t let that stop you.
That's a great hunt. I am jealous of you guys who can get guys to travel several states away to help on a hunt. I can't get one pard to come out when we're less than 100 miles from home.
As the guy from Colorado in this story that drove through the night to help my best friend on a lifetime hunt – I have a hard time finding people that will get in *my* car and drive an hour away with me for a simple day hunt in my own state! And I help work for an archery range so meet local hunters all the time! I feel ya 100%. That being said, I wouldn't have missed this for anything! It was settled as soon as he said he got the tag.
Nice story and great goat. Crazies are one of my favorite places for goats. My wife has a student who still has that tag and I am trying to shoehorn my way in there. It looks rugged up there, but I think it's still doable.

Truthfully, since my goat hunt, all my other hunts have sort of sucked in comparison. The massive amounts of public land, the challenge, and the scenery were unrivaled.
The "pelage" on that goat is next level!! I hope you have room (and budget) to get a life size done. A well earned trophy. Congrats!

I thought the same, he’s quite a specimen. I will be full sizing him for sure. Would be a waste not to.

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