Need advice on my rifles

Ive upgrade a lot of my gear, switched to kuiu, optics are where I want them to be (vortex razor and nikon premier), and love my stone glacier pack. I almost bow hunt exclusively so rifle hunting is something new to me and looking to see how I like it and open some new seasons to me. I am finally at the point that I have vacation time at work and my gear dialed in so thanks for all the good advice.
Count me in the non 308 category. No good reason other than personal preference for faster and the 270 and 7 mag are great for that.
One way to decide is to spend some time behind each of them and see which one you like to shoot. Then spend a day hiking around with each of them and see which one you like to carry.
I would keep the 270 and 7mag. Shoot the 130 140 grain 270 for antelope and deer. 160s in the 7mag for elk.. Just my opinion....

^ I'm with him ^

I shoot .270 and love it. I'm also a fan of 7mm. If I were you and had to keep only 2 rifles it would be the .270 and the 7mm.
Thanks for the replies I am definitely keeping the 7mm. Going to shoot the 270 and 308 then decide
Sell 2 of the 3. Buy a good 223 for more trigger time and invest in reloading equipment with the balance.
Wow, tough decision....... I think you should stop selling guns and reduce the decision to one question: "what rifle caliber should I get NEXT?"

That said, I'm a fan of military calibers for obvious SHTF ammo replenishment reasons.. 223 & 308 being the primary leaders. Both have hunting applications.

Outside of military calibers, I like to cover the power spectrum.
My elk rifle is a .338RUM.
My deer/bear/antelope rifle is a 7mmWSM (also have a 280 I enjoy to.)
My cougar/treestand/LR coyote rifle is a sweet little .243win.
And my varmint/SHTF/defensive rifles are all AR15's in 223 or 5.56mm.
And of course everyone needs a 10/22 or two.... or three.
hope this helps,
All 3 are good choices for North American game up to elk with appropriate bullets at reasonable hunting distances, so you could theoretically get rid of two and be just fine.

If owning 10 guns and designating an ideal caliber for each species is what gets you up in the morning, good for you, ain't America great! But it just ain't that complicated. I hunt 95% archery but own 3 guns - a 270, 22 and 20 gauge and I can kill anything on this continent besides grizzlies and possibly moose. Put a quality bullet through the chest cavity and they're yours, that simple. Good woodsmanship and shooting kills animals, they don't know how big your gun collection is.
Wow, tough decision....... I think you should stop selling guns and reduce the decision to one question: "what rifle caliber should I get NEXT?"

That said, I'm a fan of military calibers for obvious SHTF ammo replenishment reasons.. 223 & 308 being the primary leaders. Both have hunting applications.

Outside of military calibers, I like to cover the power spectrum.
My elk rifle is a .338RUM.
My deer/bear/antelope rifle is a 7mmWSM (also have a 280 I enjoy to.)
My cougar/treestand/LR coyote rifle is a sweet little .243win.
And my varmint/SHTF/defensive rifles are all AR15's in 223 or 5.56mm.
And of course everyone needs a 10/22 or two.... or three.
hope this helps,

X2....LOL! I don't have the complete package he describes yet but im getting close. Don't get rid of ANY...keep them and add to the collection so you can enjoy making the selection tailored to the hunt and conditions.

I did buy a 30-06 as my first rifle though, and it covered all big game when I started from antelope all the way to Elk at reasonable distance with good bullets. The caliber debates are always interesting and funny though. If you wanted to drop to one, Id probably keep the 7mm
I like the 308. Sell the other two and buy good glass with a custom dial system. No, really, keep all three, invest in a good gun safe and try to fill it up. That's apparently what I'm doing! If I live long enough I may need another safe or two.
.270 will be probably be my next rifle. A great caliber for my wife and growing boy plus I can play with it as well.

My brother has one rifle a Sauer 202 in .270. Has taken bull, cow and calf moose with no problems, works on deer of course
My oldest bro has one rifle a Remington 760 pump in .308. My grandfather my father and my brother have all killed moose with this gun.

All kills were under 300 yds and all have confidence that there tool will do the job when moose/deer/bear hunting here in Ontario.

If your shots are under 300 yds then pick the rifle you like best. Also never underestimate good glass when it comes to hunting. I would rather have one rifle with great glass then two rifles with ok glass.
Of the 3 mentioned I've used the 7 mag the most by far, it's a great chambering - good BC's for bullets, great selection of weights and types of bullets, easy on the shoulder, you will ALWAYS be able to find factory ammo and components for the most popular belted magnum round of ALL time year after year
270 Winchester shooting a 130 grain bullet is very tough to best for pronghorn or deer and I've lost track of how many elk I've seen fall to that same combo
308 in a good rifle is just plain FUN to work with - "MY" choices would be #1-7 mag #2- 270 #3-308 A serious hunter NEEDS at least 2 of them
If it ain't talking to you, ditch it. First on the hit list sounds like the .270. Logic only goes so far, cut to the chase, as has been said already, I,d be keeping the one I grab for first, that I can't resist taking one more shot.
I,'ve got a little 9.3x62 mannlicher, used to take it and a .22 to the range. When I noticed I was shooting the one that kicked a lot more, more expensive to shoot, and I had to reload for it, figured that was a good time to send the .22 down the road.
Sell the .270, buy a nice older marlin 336 in .30-30 or .35Rem & put the rest into ammo.
That way you've got a great around medium to long range gun in the 7mm, a great short to medium range gun in the .308 (both of which will handle anything on this continent) & a perfect 'woods' gun.