Nature Conservancy and the Western Solar Project

Ironic how many people don't want animals hunted but have no qualms about destroying those animals homes.

just south of Ketchum there is a well-known place that elk migrate through. I’ve seen 100 at a time. It’s amazing. They come out of the woods and into a field, hang out, then continue across the road to another large field and mill around.

That second large field will become a housing development for the Uber-wealthy. And yet these are the knuckleheads who own ranches against national forest or vast tracks of potentially huntable land and the answer is always “no hunting”.
I have been told that The Nature Conservancy is the largest landowner in the world. The world.

I do agree how so many have the mindset that BLM/desert land is a vast wasteland; even here in Oregon that is a common theme among folks who supposedly know better.

ETA: after urban areas/buildings, I always thought building these farms in the medians to freeways and along the highways would be the way to go. They could double as barriers to minimize crossover crashes, give the troopers shade to park and radar speeders from and be used as funnels for wildlife crossings on migration corridors. A couple of people told me that would ruin their view while they travel....
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It’s all a planned effort. From the second the BHA did their safe grouse studies, it’s was set in stone this was happening.

Wait a you're saying that solar development in the West is BHAs fault?

Or am I missing something?
I have been told that The Nature Conservancy is the largest landowner in the world. The world.

I do agree how so many have the mindset that BLM/desert land is a vast wasteland; even here in Oregon that is a common theme among folks who supposedly know better.

ETA: after urban areas/buildings, I always thought building these farms in the medians to freeways and along the highways would be the way to go. They could double as barriers to minimize crossover crashes, give the troopers shade to park and radar speeders from and be used as funnels for wildlife crossings on migration corridors. A couple of people told me that would ruin their view while they travel....

I fully agree with your last paragraph.

However, a quick google search does not make it seem like the Nature Conservancy owns that much land....admittedly I did not fact check this link or spend more than 2 minutes searching, they didn't even make the top 25 on the list I found.

...However, a quick google search does not make it seem like the Nature Conservancy owns that much land....admittedly I did not fact check this link or spend more than 2 minutes searching, they didn't even make the top 25 on the list I found.

I didn't ever check it; thanks. There very well may have been a qualifier and I was not paying attention - not unheard of. I believe it was a contractor or manager of one of their holdings that I heard it from. Purportedly, they 'protected' over 125m acres so maybe that was the confusion - or perhaps 'conservation org' ownership.

I'll go with your list though!
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Purportedly, they 'protected' over 125m acres so maybe that was the confusion - or perhaps 'conservation org' ownership.
It’s hard to say this without coming off as broadcasting from my basement with a tinfoil hat on, but never underestimate the likelihood of shell companies and subsidiaries being used to mask total holdings.
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I won’t listen to a ME podcast but I bet there was almost zero pushback.

It’s too bad about the TNC. While they do a ton of good work, at the core they are captured by an ideology now. Mandated Vaccines for employees, DEI nonsense, climate change, etc. Now they support destroying habitat in the name of climate change all the while China & India could care less. Solar and wind is not only not going to solve our energy needs but it’s the biggest eye sore and worse for all wildlife and habitat. We need Nuclear.
There was a lot of pushback and Rinella brought up the benefits of nuclear
Seemed like Steve was the only one on the meat eater crew not drinking the cool aide. I’m disappointed but not surprised.
Anyone else feel the underlying sense of arrogance that generally accompanies these groups? This is the only/best way, but even we can say we don’t know what the long term effects will be.
So if they do screw it all up “in our best interest “ it’s going to be “oops” and probably not even a “sorry about that”.
I hate both apparent options in the next election, but it’s one more reason to go in any direction but the current administration.
Awful idea all the way around. Subsidizing Chi-Com solar panels on our public land at tax payer expense? This is our land. Will the solar companies provide the energy for free?! Nope, and who will pay to clean up the super fund sites when these things age out or are destroyed by wildfires, hailstorms, ect?! Will we ever get the land back? Anyone advocating for this is an enemy of conservation and the people of the United States
I am very against opening ecologically functioning federal land to energy/resource extraction, whether renewable or fossil fuel. On the other hand, if the portion of land is truly F'd where no wildlife actually benefit, why not use it for energy.

I don't like the Western solar plan and am against it, just on principle of what I stated above. However, some of you guys' statements are absolutely ludicrous and it's obvious your position is one based on feeling and loyalty to being against renewable energy and against Biden. Biden has opened more acres of federal land to fossil energy extraction than any other president in history. Another reason he's a turd. However Trump is just as big a turd.
How many acres of land does the NC hold? How many of that are wide open for public use? They don’t give a flying (expletive) about sportsmen! The clown would not answer a single question. When asked what HIS thoughts on issues were, he deflected. It was clear to me the ME crew weren’t on board with his thoughts on destroying habitat for climate change. It’s all about pimping money.

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