Nalgene Question


Dec 5, 2014
Snyder Texas
I heard somewhere that for cold nights some guys heat up water and put it in the Nalgene. Then take the Nalgene and place it into the footwell of their bag for extra warmth.
I run a western mountaineer badger which is down, and my concern would be leaking. For those who have done there a Nalgene you recommend for doing this with a really heavy duty seal? Or is there a specific cap for this? I know Gritty/Aron talk about the humangear CapCap a lot. Bu they use it to go with their steripens. I don't want a leak and a wet down bag so looking for inputs.

Close it. 5 minutes later retighten.
Never had a problem.

1 gal zip lock bag would be cheap insurance I'd imagine.
I heard somewhere that for cold nights some guys heat up water and put it in the Nalgene. Then take the Nalgene and place it into the footwell of their bag for extra warmth.
I run a western mountaineer badger which is down, and my concern would be leaking. For those who have done there a Nalgene you recommend for doing this with a really heavy duty seal? Or is there a specific cap for this? I know Gritty/Aron talk about the humangear CapCap a lot. Bu they use it to go with their steripens. I don't want a leak and a wet down bag so looking for inputs.


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If I don't tighten the lid enough, or if I get something gritty on the sealing surface like drink powder. But no, they are one of the most problem free bottles I have ever used.
yep, I haven't been real cold yet in my WM badger, but I heard that idea somewhere, and my first thought was the concern of leaking/spilling while IN the bag overnight.

If I got cold and did it though, I agree....a zip lock bag may just be the ticket in case of a leak. Thanks!
Also - as it cools it forms a vacuum and makes the seal tighter - or at least a heck of a lot harder to open in the morning!

I've had issues with Camelback bottles weeping, but never a Nalgene. (Note - I want to acknowledge their customer service, I sent them back and camelback replaced them.)
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If you dump very hot (boiling water) into the nalgene and close it, the first time you agitate the water some pressure is generated inside the bottle (due to rapidly warmed, expanding air). If you vent that pressure and then tighten the lid back down, your Nalgene won't leak. Can't say the same for imitation brands.

I've been using the Nalgene nighttime toe warmer for 20 years and have never sprung a leak at an inopportune time. I put my bottles in a bottle parka, that way the warmth releases more slowly throughout the night. The water is typically still quite warm by morning and makes for a good first liter to chug as I wake up and get the day going. Without the parka I find that the bottle is too hot for direct contact in thinner socks and the bottle cools down in a few hours rather than staying warm all night.
I have the same bag and was considering this as a option. But I’ve decided to try a pair of down booties as my first option this year.