- Joined
- Jul 14, 2020

I recently had the pleasure of meeting Rydell as a customer through my automotive business. After acknowledging his archery target in his yard, he casually mentioned that he started a hunting company. "Which one" ... Aziak he mentioned. as an ounce counting solo hunter, i had heard of Aziak. I didn't know that he was essentially a neighbor. But truth be told his competitors advertisements were doing their job, and I was leaning towards some of his competitors products. We went into his shop, and he handed me a backcountry lite. "Whoa" the tripod felt like air. I had to make a parts run for a valve stem I had admittedly messed up on his rims. I pondered the opportunity to buy and help a small local business right here in my back yard. After all, he had given me the same opportunity when he could of just dropped his tires off at les schwab, Walmart, etc. Truth be told, a tripod was about 5th or 6th on my list of "large weight saving items" but after feeling the tripod in person, I knew it would absolutely benefit my system. We exchanged cash for product.
Being at the forefront of my mind, I ripped open the suggestive packaging not more than 2 minutes after I shut my work truck down. The packaging was neatly designed. Offering an accurate 3Dish printed picture on the side which actually gives you a great idea of what the product in the box will look like when pulled out. I fiddled with it, impressed. But with my busy schedule I tossed it in my hunting pack looking forward to the weekend ahead at our cabin.
I spun my obnoxious VEO head on the aziak tripod. I didn't have enough cash on me to purchase Rydells intuitive ball head. He offered it to me on credit, but i knew itd be a loose end for a few weeks haha. (I'll be back in the next week or two to complete the system) despite the bulky VEO head, I could feel the difference as I slid it in my packs side pocket. I went from a Nalgene width or more, to about the width of a 1 liter of fresh montana treasure water found at any local gas station here in Montana. Maybe less. I don't have real numbers. I can get them if needed. But I was guess somewhere between 25 to 33% narrower than a tripod that claims be "about as wide a Nalgene bottle" if I wasn't impressed at the shop by the weight (18oz) I was now by the lack of circumference in the stow position. This was more of a family trip, so I woke up at 445 and jogged down the trail from the cabin and never noticed the tripod in my pack. Even with my rifle slung at an angle across my chest. I was more headed up to check some trail cameras, but bears were still in season. I set it up on the hill side to get a feel for it. The tripod comes with the mini center stalk, and a longer one for increased reach. The stability center hook for hanging rocks with Paracord is well thought out, and I like the triangle design of the center pole. Well thought out material reductions are seen throughout the tripod, that won't hinder performance or durability.
On the business end of things, one thing that stood out in Rydells website was the transparency of origin. I've ordered products based of podcasts gloating, and them promoting being an American made company, with no place of origin mentioned on the product page. But finding out once the product arrives. This is not the case with Aziak. Clear and up front on what's made where. I will update once I purchase the head.. But for now, as the tripod sits, it's a 5+ star product. And I would absolutely recommend it to anyone who carries a tripod no matter what since you'll hardly notice it in your pack. (I saved roughly 2lbs over a carbon VEO. I can see this is a game changing product. And I look forward to many more days in the field with it.
(It's hard to tell in the picture. But I was on a very steep slope and was able to get locked in with the smaller head. I believe my system will be the extension during archery, and the mini during rifle. That way you can fold the legs way out and use it as as a rest and lock on my arca rifle wedge if needed)
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