7mm 160 TMK experiences


Dec 26, 2024
Lots of info out there about the smaller caliber TMKs, but has anyone have any experiences with the 160s out of the magnum 7s (Rem mag, SAUM, WSM, etc.)?
I bought a couple of boxes of 160 TMK and will do some test comparing to the 166 ATIPs and 162 ELDM. Also curious if anyone had any experience with them on game.
Planning to run 62.5-63.5 N560 at 2.945 out of a ARC Archimedes SA with Hawkins hunter flush magazines. Hoping to get 2950-3000 FPS out of a 24in tube.
The 160 TMK is one of two bullets I've considered trying in my 280ai (162 ELD-M is the other). I'm assuming both can be quite devastating in deer sized animals. Any experience with either on Elk?
Just FYI, no experience with the TMK but my buddy had no problem killing elks at 7mm-08ai speeds (2700 fps) at 500-600 yards with the 162 amax and eldm. He’s doing the 7-6.5prc now so that he can do the 180 eldm out of a tikka action length but the 162 has been his elk/moose bullet for the longest time.
Personally I prefer the 160s in the 7SAUM because I run short actions, it’s less recoil and more speed and they still have very good BCs and I doubt I’ll take many shots further than 500 yards so might as well take the extra speed and flatter shooting bullet.
Just FYI, no experience with the TMK but my buddy had no problem killing elks at 7mm-08ai speeds (2700 fps) at 500-600 yards with the 162 amax and eldm. He’s doing the 7-6.5prc now so that he can do the 180 eldm out of a tikka action length but the 162 has been his elk/moose bullet for the longest time.
Personally I prefer the 160s in the 7SAUM because I run short actions, it’s less recoil and more speed and they still have very good BCs and I doubt I’ll take many shots further than 500 yards so might as well take the extra speed and flatter shooting bullet.
I know they kill, just wondering on levels of damage. Form has stated previously on a podcast a 30 cal match bullet almost took the far shoulder off a deer.
I know they kill, just wondering on levels of damage. Form has stated previously on a podcast a 30 cal match bullet almost took the far shoulder off a deer.

I was asking hoping to hear they fragment consistently and aggressively with that relatively large tip/cavity.
The 160 TMK is one of two bullets I've considered trying in my 280ai (162 ELD-M is the other). I'm assuming both can be quite devastating in deer sized animals. Any experience with either on Elk?

Yes to both. Both create very good wounds, I prefer the wound shape that TMK’s make and therefore overall behavior in tissue. However, the 162gr ELD-M kills well and I don’t loose sleep over which one.