PNW bow hunter
- Joined
- Jan 10, 2016
I can't speak for others, but I have a guess why they don't want to support companies that are getting into politics. Mystery Ranch is funding/financing a group in this facebook post, that they might not want to support. If you buy this companies products, they are telling you a part of your money is going to support Love Is King Foundation.
The goal of the foundation is to educate people to not be racist, and get more people color in the outdoors. It states:
"Love is King is on a mission to activate and empower a humanitarian movement, one that raises awareness and collective consciousness around restrictions and fear of outdoor access by minorities and individuals across an array of life experiences without discrimination."
What restrictions are placed on minorities in regards to going outdoors?
Is there a fear of outdoor access by minorities?
Does anyone on here have any stories of discrimination they have witnessed out on a hike, or even a link to a news story?
I have never heard a person say they are scared to enjoy the outdoors because they fear for their saftey due to being a minority. When I am out on hiking trips throughout the year i see a huge diversity of people all enjoying the outdoors. The archery club I go to has people of all genders and skin colors. I have never seen anyone snubbed by others based of race or gender. I HAVE seen people of all racial backgrounds that met at the archery club become great friends and hunting partners.
I am 41 years old currently. When I grew up I was always taught we are all the same on the inside. You can't judge others based of skin color. We are all EQUAL. The message I learned in school was a message of EQAULITY.
Sometime in the last decade the message has changed. The new message is all about EQUITY, not EQUALITY.
I am in an interracial marriage, and my new daughter is of mixed races. A large majority of my in laws are in interracial marriages. 3 of the 6 houses on my street are comprised of mixed race families.
The EQUITY argument is all about government and private groups gaining LOTS of power and money by convincing everyone that is not a person of the right color they are racist, and have had everything handed to them unfairly. THE EQUITY ARGUMENT SEEKS TO DIVIDE PEOPLE, NOT BRING THEM TOGETHER. Just reading that facebook post would you think there are very few minority people enjoying the outdoors, but that couldn't be farther from the truth.
I am not saying there is no racism in the country, and not racist people.
To me it is absurd to think there is this giant threat of racism, discrimination, and fear of harm in the outdoors by minorities, and I need to send money to a company that financially supports a foundation that is based of fighting this "threat".
This is getting so insane that Mystery Ranch is funding a foundation that is fighting "restrictions and fear of outdoor access by minorities."
My experiences is mostly based in Oregon, but I spend time outdoors in several other states during various hunting seasons.
The goal of the foundation is to educate people to not be racist, and get more people color in the outdoors. It states:
"Love is King is on a mission to activate and empower a humanitarian movement, one that raises awareness and collective consciousness around restrictions and fear of outdoor access by minorities and individuals across an array of life experiences without discrimination."
What restrictions are placed on minorities in regards to going outdoors?
Is there a fear of outdoor access by minorities?
Does anyone on here have any stories of discrimination they have witnessed out on a hike, or even a link to a news story?
I have never heard a person say they are scared to enjoy the outdoors because they fear for their saftey due to being a minority. When I am out on hiking trips throughout the year i see a huge diversity of people all enjoying the outdoors. The archery club I go to has people of all genders and skin colors. I have never seen anyone snubbed by others based of race or gender. I HAVE seen people of all racial backgrounds that met at the archery club become great friends and hunting partners.
I am 41 years old currently. When I grew up I was always taught we are all the same on the inside. You can't judge others based of skin color. We are all EQUAL. The message I learned in school was a message of EQAULITY.
Sometime in the last decade the message has changed. The new message is all about EQUITY, not EQUALITY.
I am in an interracial marriage, and my new daughter is of mixed races. A large majority of my in laws are in interracial marriages. 3 of the 6 houses on my street are comprised of mixed race families.
The EQUITY argument is all about government and private groups gaining LOTS of power and money by convincing everyone that is not a person of the right color they are racist, and have had everything handed to them unfairly. THE EQUITY ARGUMENT SEEKS TO DIVIDE PEOPLE, NOT BRING THEM TOGETHER. Just reading that facebook post would you think there are very few minority people enjoying the outdoors, but that couldn't be farther from the truth.
I am not saying there is no racism in the country, and not racist people.
To me it is absurd to think there is this giant threat of racism, discrimination, and fear of harm in the outdoors by minorities, and I need to send money to a company that financially supports a foundation that is based of fighting this "threat".
This is getting so insane that Mystery Ranch is funding a foundation that is fighting "restrictions and fear of outdoor access by minorities."
My experiences is mostly based in Oregon, but I spend time outdoors in several other states during various hunting seasons.