Mystery Ranch Gets 'Woke' - Dives into Politics

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I can't speak for others, but I have a guess why they don't want to support companies that are getting into politics. Mystery Ranch is funding/financing a group in this facebook post, that they might not want to support. If you buy this companies products, they are telling you a part of your money is going to support Love Is King Foundation.

The goal of the foundation is to educate people to not be racist, and get more people color in the outdoors. It states:

"Love is King is on a mission to activate and empower a humanitarian movement, one that raises awareness and collective consciousness around restrictions and fear of outdoor access by minorities and individuals across an array of life experiences without discrimination."

What restrictions are placed on minorities in regards to going outdoors?

Is there a fear of outdoor access by minorities?

Does anyone on here have any stories of discrimination they have witnessed out on a hike, or even a link to a news story?

I have never heard a person say they are scared to enjoy the outdoors because they fear for their saftey due to being a minority. When I am out on hiking trips throughout the year i see a huge diversity of people all enjoying the outdoors. The archery club I go to has people of all genders and skin colors. I have never seen anyone snubbed by others based of race or gender. I HAVE seen people of all racial backgrounds that met at the archery club become great friends and hunting partners.

I am 41 years old currently. When I grew up I was always taught we are all the same on the inside. You can't judge others based of skin color. We are all EQUAL. The message I learned in school was a message of EQAULITY.

Sometime in the last decade the message has changed. The new message is all about EQUITY, not EQUALITY.

I am in an interracial marriage, and my new daughter is of mixed races. A large majority of my in laws are in interracial marriages. 3 of the 6 houses on my street are comprised of mixed race families.

The EQUITY argument is all about government and private groups gaining LOTS of power and money by convincing everyone that is not a person of the right color they are racist, and have had everything handed to them unfairly. THE EQUITY ARGUMENT SEEKS TO DIVIDE PEOPLE, NOT BRING THEM TOGETHER. Just reading that facebook post would you think there are very few minority people enjoying the outdoors, but that couldn't be farther from the truth.

I am not saying there is no racism in the country, and not racist people.

To me it is absurd to think there is this giant threat of racism, discrimination, and fear of harm in the outdoors by minorities, and I need to send money to a company that financially supports a foundation that is based of fighting this "threat".

This is getting so insane that Mystery Ranch is funding a foundation that is fighting "restrictions and fear of outdoor access by minorities."

My experiences is mostly based in Oregon, but I spend time outdoors in several other states during various hunting seasons.
And explain to me why it's such a bad thing to be a white male?

Why should I explain to you something that I did not say? This is the same overly-sensitive reaction that people can't seem to think through before posting.

I said dominated by a single demographic. If you think this industry is NOT dominated by white males then I've got a bridge to sell you.
Why should I explain to you something that I did not say? This is the same overly-sensitive reaction that people can't seem to think through before posting.

I said dominated by a single demographic. If you think this industry is NOT dominated by white males then I've got a bridge to sell you.

No, you didn't say "single dempgraphic." You said white males, and that you needed to be convinced it was a good thing they dominate the outdoor industry. That means in your view it would be better if someone else dominated the outdoor industry. Why do you feel that way? The only two choices are that there is a problem with white males, or you believe another group is superior.

That is exactly what you wrote. If you meant something else, you would have written something else.

In the end though, this whole thing doesn't mean anything. MR is simply assigning victimhood where it doesn't exist 100% in hopes of selling more stuff to white liberals. And that is offensive.
Show your support with your $ . We are all entitled to our opinions and beliefs, right or wrong.

It is a private company, if they want to get on the woke train that is fine, I have the ability to shop elsewhere.

I do find it disappointing for sure whenever companies I previously supported come out with opposing views points, especially when it annexes half of the buyers of their products.

That's a business decision they have to make though, and the decision we can all make is to go support a company that better supports our ideology if we are so inclined.
Until i see the full support for all of the Gay one-armed Black nazi bikers for Christ that are being kept out of the woods i will continue to fight the power by eating little debbie cakes and humming metal tunes on my kazoo in my tutu.
Fight the power!

One up that one, you unwoke oppressors!
I cannot grasp why some find these posts so inflammatory, even to the point where they would stop doing business with a company because of them. I've seen some go overboard, yes, but this is not that, in my view.

These tend to be the same people that call liberals 'snowflakes' or 'sheep' but can't seem to handle another group trying to get attention or access to what some people (like those on this forum already enjoy), and have enjoyed for most of their life.

Can't we agree that increasing exposure and awareness about the things that we love also helps us sustain the future of our sport and our passions? If you disagree, then why do I need to sign petitions and give money to sustain access and hunting rights. If you think this is a populist sport that is except from criticism, you are kidding yourself.

Or are people so damn sensitive to believe that any mention of race is an attempt to place one person above the other?

Maybe you can convince me that having another industry dominated by the voices of white males is a good idea. I'm willing to have my mind changed.

"According to racial equality activist Richard Lapchick, the NBA in 2020 was composed of 74.2 percent black players, 16.9 percent white players, 2.2 percent Latino players of any race, and 0.4 percent Asian players. There were 6.3 percent of the players classified as "other" races."

Is the NBA racist or are there just more black people that can play at the pro level in basketball?

"Major League Soccer is a men's soccer league comprising 26 teams from the United States and Canada. In 2019, 23 percent of MLS players were African American, while a third were Latino."

Is major league soccer racist?

The racial composition of both these pro sports leagues is vastly different than the racial make up of the country.

"As of July 2016, White Americans are the racial majority.The White, non-Hispanic population make up 61% of the nation's total, Hispanic and Latino Americans are the largest ethnic minority, comprising an estimated 18% of the population.[8]African Americans are the second largest racial minority, comprising an estimated 13.4% of the population.[9]"

If white people make up 61 percent of the population, would it be a odd if that was the dominating demographic in the outdoor industry?

Also the Mystery Ranch Facebook post has nothing to do with the racial make up of people in the outdoor industry.

They are supporting a group that is claiming racism and discrimination are preventing people of color from accessing the outdoors

Two different arguments.
I can't speak for others, but I have a guess why they don't want to support companies that are getting into politics. Mystery Ranch is funding/financing a group in this facebook post, that they might not want to support. If you buy this companies products, they are telling you a part of your money is going to support Love Is King Foundation.

The goal of the foundation is to educate people to not be racist, and get more people color in the outdoors. It states:

"Love is King is on a mission to activate and empower a humanitarian movement, one that raises awareness and collective consciousness around restrictions and fear of outdoor access by minorities and individuals across an array of life experiences without discrimination."

What restrictions are placed on minorities in regards to going outdoors?

Is there a fear of outdoor access by minorities?

Does anyone on here have any stories of discrimination they have witnessed out on a hike, or even a link to a news story?

I have never heard a person say they are scared to enjoy the outdoors because they fear for their saftey due to being a minority. When I am out on hiking trips throughout the year i see a huge diversity of people all enjoying the outdoors. The archery club I go to has people of all genders and skin colors. I have never seen anyone snubbed by others based of race or gender. I HAVE seen people of all racial backgrounds that met at the archery club become great friends and hunting partners.

I am 41 years old currently. When I grew up I was always taught we are all the same on the inside. You can't judge others based of skin color. We are all EQUAL. The message I learned in school was a message of EQAULITY.

Sometime in the last decade the message has changed. The new message is all about EQUITY, not EQUALITY.

I am in an interracial marriage, and my new daughter is of mixed races. A large majority of my in laws are in interracial marriages. 3 of the 6 houses on my street are comprised of mixed race families.

The EQUITY argument is all about government and private groups gaining LOTS of power and money by convincing everyone that is not a person of the right color they are racist, and have had everything handed to them unfairly. THE EQUITY ARGUMENT SEEKS TO DIVIDE PEOPLE, NOT BRING THEM TOGETHER. Just reading that facebook post would you think there are very few minority people enjoying the outdoors, but that couldn't be farther from the truth.

I am not saying there is no racism in the country, and not racist people.

To me it is absurd to think there is this giant threat of racism, discrimination, and fear of harm in the outdoors by minorities, and I need to send money to a company that financially supports a foundation that is based of fighting this "threat".

This is getting so insane that Mystery Ranch is funding a foundation that is fighting "restrictions and fear of outdoor access by minorities."

My experiences is mostly based in Oregon, but I spend time outdoors in several other states during various hunting seasons.
The guy who founded this organization is a combat vet who has a whole pile of stories about the really shitty and scary things that have happened to him because of his skin color while he was trying to hunt and fish.

Buy your shit where you want. Support who you want. Getting your panties in a knot because someone else experienced things differently from you and then going on the internet to whine about it and about people and private companies doing what they want is beyond pathetic. Are your freedoms the only ones that matter?
Man, now I’m gonna have to tell my black buddy that when we’re out enjoying the outdoors he’s actually not enjoying it as much as I am. SOB! I don’t think he ever knew.

I’ll try better to include him with the rest of us. Ha ha.

Who thinks up this crap!
No, see you are getting it all wrong. As a minority, he isn't smart enough to make up his own mind or realize he's not enjoying something he's doing. He needs companies like Mystery Ranch, Alpacka and Patagonia to tell him how he feels about it.

totally joking.

My wife is a minority and she deeply enjoys outdoor activities of all sorts and to the best of my knowledge she has never been made to feel uncomfortable during these activites due to her race. I make her feel uncomfortable all the the time, not because of her race though, just because I'm a dumbass.
No, see you are getting it all wrong. As a minority, he isn't smart enough to make up his own mind or realize he's not enjoying something he's doing. He needs companies like Mystery Ranch, Alpacka and Patagonia to tell him how he feels about it.

totally joking.

My wife is a minority and she deeply enjoys outdoor activities of all sorts and to the best of my knowledge she has never been made to feel uncomfortable during these activites due to her race. I make her feel uncomfortable all the the time, not because of her race though, just because I'm a dumbass.
Ha ha. That’s funny
My thoughts on Mystery Ranch are pretty simple. If they want to do the most they possibly can to help America, then they should bring their manufacturing and jobs back to America.
They never left the USA. Their contracts with the US Military and US Government has them manufacturing at full production in Bozeman MT.

All non military/ US government production did go to Asia.
Has quality gone down? IDK. I do know you can’t find help in Bozeman and nobody wants to work anymore.
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"According to racial equality activist Richard Lapchick, the NBA in 2020 was composed of 74.2 percent black players, 16.9 percent white players, 2.2 percent Latino players of any race, and 0.4 percent Asian players. There were 6.3 percent of the players classified as "other" races."

Is the NBA racist or are there just more black people that can play at the pro level in basketball?

"Major League Soccer is a men's soccer league comprising 26 teams from the United States and Canada. In 2019, 23 percent of MLS players were African American, while a third were Latino."

Is major league soccer racist?

The racial composition of both these pro sports leagues is vastly different than the racial make up of the country.

"As of July 2016, White Americans are the racial majority.The White, non-Hispanic population make up 61% of the nation's total, Hispanic and Latino Americans are the largest ethnic minority, comprising an estimated 18% of the population.[8]African Americans are the second largest racial minority, comprising an estimated 13.4% of the population.[9]"

If white people make up 61 percent of the population, would it be a odd if that was the dominating demographic in the outdoor industry?

Also the Mystery Ranch Facebook post has nothing to do with the racial make up of people in the outdoor industry.

They are supporting a group that is claiming racism and discrimination are preventing people of color from accessing the outdoors

Two different arguments.

Let's be clear. I never called anyone racist. Go read my posts again. I don't believe that the racial make up of an industry is an indication of it being racist. There are some BIG logical leaps being made in this thread.

My point was about diversity as a means to strengthen the industry and preserve our passion. That's it. White people make up 90% of the hunting industry today, and 70% of those are male. You don't think that's a problem?

I agree with the point of view below by Mike Dunfee at the Wildlife Management Institute:

“If we think about the future of hunting like a portfolio, right now we have everything invested in one stock—in one demographic: middle-aged white guys. How representative is that of the American culture right now? More importantly, how representative will it be in 50 years?” Dunfee says. “And the crazy thing is, we know this stock is going to go down. Let’s diversify the portfolio so hunting becomes something Americans do, not just something middle Americans do.”
"According to racial equality activist Richard Lapchick, the NBA in 2020 was composed of 74.2 percent black players, 16.9 percent white players, 2.2 percent Latino players of any race, and 0.4 percent Asian players. There were 6.3 percent of the players classified as "other" races."

Is the NBA racist or are there just more black people that can play at the pro level in basketball?

"Major League Soccer is a men's soccer league comprising 26 teams from the United States and Canada. In 2019, 23 percent of MLS players were African American, while a third were Latino."

Is major league soccer racist?

The racial composition of both these pro sports leagues is vastly different than the racial make up of the country.

"As of July 2016, White Americans are the racial majority.The White, non-Hispanic population make up 61% of the nation's total, Hispanic and Latino Americans are the largest ethnic minority, comprising an estimated 18% of the population.[8]African Americans are the second largest racial minority, comprising an estimated 13.4% of the population.[9]"

If white people make up 61 percent of the population, would it be a odd if that was the dominating demographic in the outdoor industry?

Also the Mystery Ranch Facebook post has nothing to do with the racial make up of people in the outdoor industry.

They are supporting a group that is claiming racism and discrimination are preventing people of color from accessing the outdoors

Two different arguments.
No no no, you're misunderstanding- whites are the racist ones for not playing pro-level basketball and soccer. Silly you.

This is mostly in joking- and I could give two shits what MR does, or if they support this organization. I will still buy products from them if they fit my needs.
Let's be clear. I never called anyone racist. Go read my posts again. I don't believe that the racial make up of an industry is an indication of it being racist. There are some BIG logical leaps being made in this thread.

My point was about diversity as a means to strengthen the industry and preserve our passion. That's it. White people make up 90% of the hunting industry today, and 70% of those are male. You don't think that's a problem?

I agree with the point of view below by Mike Dunfee at the Wildlife Management Institute:

“If we think about the future of hunting like a portfolio, right now we have everything invested in one stock—in one demographic: middle-aged white guys. How representative is that of the American culture right now? More importantly, how representative will it be in 50 years?” Dunfee says. “And the crazy thing is, we know this stock is going to go down. Let’s diversify the portfolio so hunting becomes something Americans do, not just something middle Americans do.”

I don’t think that’s a problem. Nobody is keeping other people from hunting.
No no no, you're misunderstanding- whites are the racist ones for not playing pro-level basketball and soccer. Silly you.

This is mostly in joking- and I could give two shits what MR does, or if they support this organization. I will still buy products from them if they fit my needs.

I remember when that Canadian college professor was trying to tell people that canoeing and jump roping are racist.
I don’t think that’s a problem. Nobody is keeping other people from hunting.

My point isn't about breaking down actual impediments that are keeping people from hunting, its about increasing exposure to society as a whole so it isn't vilified, and more people participate in the sport.

In 1991 there were 14 million hunters. In 2016 there were 11.5. This is despite a growing population in the US.

Is it so surprising that hunting is increasingly under attack in this country based on these numbers? There aren't enough people participating. If we don't increase its broad appeal, this sport is dead. Period.
Were "people of color" not allowed in the outdoors? Great way for MR to lose business. Can't be just me that is tired of all this social justice and creating problems that aren't actually problems. I'd rather my backpack company focus on backpacks.

Apparently minorities always need a staff of white liberals to tell them what to say, how to think and what hobbies to enjoy.

It's a company tapping into an untapped market. Their sole purpose is to make money, new demographic means new revenue stream.

And just by pure happenstance they decided to do this when the scourge of identity politics is sweeping the nation? Come on.

You could just ignore it.

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I have no idea what this is supposed to mean. I suppose it might apply to the people at MR who created that post because they were offended by the demographics of the outdoor community. I came here to discuss yet another outdoor company immersing themselves in left wing politics. If your best contribution is "oh noes you're butt hurt," maybe this isn't the thread for you.

Bunch of snowflakes get their pantries in bunch because of hashtags.

See above. I don't think you know what the word "snowflake" means.

This is America, if you don't like their social media page just go do business elsewhere. There are a dozen solid pack makers that align more with you or don't dive into politics.

Yep, and that's the point of this thread. I thought others might want to know who they are doing business with.

Maybe you can convince me that having another industry dominated by the voices of white males is a good idea. I'm willing to have my mind changed.

I'm confused as to why we are judging the merits of the people dominating an industry based on the color of their skin. Can you elaborate? Can you point out any minority dominated industries that you have a problem with based on nothing but race?

I always find it ironic when people say they "couldn't care less" about something but take the time out of their day to make a thread bitching about it.

I couldn't care less but I am going to take time out of my life to tell you about something I dont care about. Doesn't really add up to me but you do you.

Go back and re-read my post. I said I couldn't care less about their politics as long as they keep it separate and apart from their business.

OP has 4 posts. The other 3 in one thread.

Kinda makes me wonder. Possibly a super lurker.

Been lurking here a lot more recently since I've been invited to MT next year to hunt elk.
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