Mystery Ranch Gets 'Woke' - Dives into Politics

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Does anyone ever actually ask why people think the way they do and actually intend to understand their viewpoint any more?

Saying you won't buy from a company because they think it's necessary to draw attention to a topic of discussion is kinda like AOC telling Ted Cruz to GFH about the whole Gamestop debacle. You might actually really have a lot in common with the Mystery Ranch folks, but you definitely don't want to know about it. Because... hashtags.

Edit to add, I have no opinions on those hashtags, because I haven't actually done my homework yet
I like it when companies take stances on various issues, efforts, causes, politics etc. It makes it a lot easier for me to pick and choose who to do business with and I wish more of them would speak up and stand for something.

Using larger platforms and audiences to try and influence things and people in certain directions is really the only way any sort of meaningful action gets accomplished. One dude bitching about something on the internet...not so much.
My thoughts on Mystery Ranch are pretty simple. If they want to do the most they possibly can to help America, then they should bring their manufacturing and jobs back to America.

That would be nice but realistically the US doesn't have any sewing mills big enough to handle the business. It's one thing when you are a boutique manufacturer that has 5 guys sewing packs in the basement for a few dozen orders a month vs being able to produce enough packs to keep stock on the shelves of major retailers across the country. I'm sure they would have liked to keep everything made in the US but if you have orders to fill and there is nowhere left that can make your product you have to hire whomever you can.
Or are people so damn sensitive to believe that any mention of race is an attempt to place one person above the other?

Maybe you can convince me that having another industry dominated by the voices of white males is a good idea. I'm willing to have my mind changed.
Is it? Why does it even have to be a thing? The very epidemy of racism is when you go overboard one way or another. Negative 'racism' is the stigma we're all accustomed to that has been displayed over the centuries. You can have "positive" racism as well, which is what we are facing today, on February 18th, 2021 at approximately 3:00 p.m. MST

And explain to me why it's such a bad thing to be a white male?
I don't know why but that butthurt report struck me as the funniest thing I have seen in a long time. I can't stop laughing. I am going to print it out so I can look at it when I get butthurt. Realizing you have to check the "I am a little bitch" box really makes you stop and put things in perspective.
I don't know why but that butthurt report struck me as the funniest thing I have seen in a long time. I can't stop laughing. I am going to print it out so I can look at it when I get butthurt. Realizing you have to check the "I am a little bitch" box really makes you stop and put things in perspective.
Agreed, think everyone should staple that to their workspace/vehicle and not be offended by every little thing.
Since when does 'hashtagging' encourage people to do anything? By mentioning race, isnt that in itself, an act of racism?

This is the problem with all this crap. It creates divisiveness. MLK Jr. had it right - judging people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.

Get anything related to race on any level out of my face. Youre either a good dude, or youre not.
These "Woke" assholes are everywhere. Yesterday morning I was in a meeting, things have been strange at work because of all the covid stuff going on and we have a guy who hasn't been coming in but filling out his time card. Since I'm in charge of things, I was like I'll talk to (insert name) since he hasn't been coming into work but claiming hours.

This lady piped in: is there some reason you decided to single out a native american to talk bad about????......

well yeah, he hasn't been coming into work but he's been claiming hours, I thought we covered that part already..

Also, Alpacka rafts got on the woke wagon a few months ago, on facebook they were like: For a very long time we have been disturbed about the lack of black people packrafting.....I didn't know there was a movement to keep black people from packrafting...
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