My People... Looking for Employment

PM me with a pay scale you are looking for. I have family that owns a business down there and I can see if they need anyone to work. I only ask about the pay because if you are both far apart, I don’t want to waste both your time.
OK, enlighten me, what do they mean???? I have followed him for many years. I tend to agree with almost everything he says. One thing he says is the vocational and skilled trade jobs are plentiful, and not being filled. I say it is because people are LAZY, they would much rather sit home and let the govt. take care of them. LAZY.

1) some have taken an early retirement because they could.

2) some have gone back to school of some sort for retraining and are no longer in their original field, perhaps even self-employed now.

3) some have become discouraged workers. Look it up, it doesn't mean what you think it means.

4) some, indeed, have chosen to just not work and stay on longterm unemployment/welfare.

Mike Rowe reads from a script and says what his red-blooded American producers tell him to say. I doubt he has ever thrown a spinning chain, pulled slips, or pulled a wet string, but he'll sit there and tell you how hard the job a roughneck has...

Mike Rowe will also tell you your "passion" isn't real and you just need to get a job to work for money instead of what drives you. Sounds like he took a lesson from Rockefeller's book when he said:

"I don't want a nation of THINKERS. I want a nation of WORKERS!"

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What's going on everyone,

Well, I got news last week that my position is being eliminated and I'll be laid off in 3 weeks, day before I was supposed to take a 2 week trip turkey hunting, which looks like will have to be canceled.

The job market is hit or miss these days and depends on industry. I am wondering if any of you know of anything available or if you're hiring yourself.

Bulk of my experience is in inventory management for retail (Cabela's and Target) and OEM demand planning/forecast management. I was also an outfitter for a while in Colorado as well.

We are moving to central Texas in 2 months so I am looking for stuff in the are but I've also been working remote for the last 3 years (like many others) so I'm hopeful for a remote position.

Would appreciate any and all leads or recommendations. I appreciate it everyone!

This may be your chance to begin your plan to break free from working for money and start having your money work for you. Sometimes all we need is to have someone kick that crutch out from us. It's difficult to get out of that rut.

Something to think about...

In the meantime, go hunting have a good time.
What's going on everyone,

Well, I got news last week that my position is being eliminated and I'll be laid off in 3 weeks, day before I was supposed to take a 2 week trip turkey hunting, which looks like will have to be canceled.

The job market is hit or miss these days and depends on industry. I am wondering if any of you know of anything available or if you're hiring yourself.

Bulk of my experience is in inventory management for retail (Cabela's and Target) and OEM demand planning/forecast management. I was also an outfitter for a while in Colorado as well.

We are moving to central Texas in 2 months so I am looking for stuff in the are but I've also been working remote for the last 3 years (like many others) so I'm hopeful for a remote position.

Would appreciate any and all leads or recommendations. I appreciate it everyone!
Sorry man. I can’t help you with any specific opportunities, but I’ve been there. My position was eliminated in Feb of 2019. You will not only recover, you may end up better off. All of the above are great recommendations, but my recommendation is to do lots of things. Network with people, ask them for advice, LinkedIn, etc.

Good luck!
UPRR has hundreds of jobs available. Up to $50k bonus for train crew. They are in a hiring deficit.
All kinds of locations.
Pm me for my number if you have questions.
They will give me a 1k referral even if you make probation.
I'm in the track department.

What are the shifts like for train crews? 5-8’s?
Oh, you mean like "content creators"?

I know 2 guys off the top of my head that are young (20s), fit, and healthy and as capable as anyone. Both of them suck off of the unemployment teat just because they can. The one just quit his full time job b/c he wants more free time. So now he will be working part time and only seasonally at that. Makes me want to vomit.

Where can you voluntarily quit a job, work part time and suck off the teat of unemployment?

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The really good guys who do excellent work do more work than three employees but doesn’t get a substantial pay over the dufus crew.
we just pay them 30 percent more with incentives
What are the shifts like for train crews? 5-8’s?
It varies from terminal to terminal, but be prepared for 12 on 12 off (federal regulation) and then within an hour of your home terminal to report to duty as needed.

Money isn’t everything in life….
What are the shifts like for train crews? 5-8’s?
Trust me don't do that to yourself or your family

Train crew are on call always-- only rest that is guaranteed is when they run out of federally mandated operating hours. Vacation can be waived in the best interest of the company also. Crazy world to be a trainman
1) some have taken an early retirement because they could.

2) some have gone back to school of some sort for retraining and are no longer in their original field, perhaps even self employed now.

3) some have become disinterested workers. Look it up, it doesn't mean what you think it means.

4) some, indeed, have chosen to just not work and stay on longterm unemployment/welfare.

Mike Rowe reads from a script and says what his red-blooded American producers tell him to say. I doubt he has every thrown a spinning chain, pulled slips, or pulled a wet string, but he'll sit there and tell you how hard the job a roughneck has...

Mike Rowe will also tell you your "passion" isn't real and you just need to get a job to work for money instead of what drives you. Sounds like he took a lesson from Rockefeller's book when he said:

"I don't want a nation of THINKERS. I want a nation of WORKERS!"

I agree with some of what you say, but have you ever watched Dirty Jobs, yes some of it is scripted, they can't go letting their star get serious hunt. He has slopped hogs, sheared sheep, wrestled crocks, gone into boilers and done hot and cold sides, I know all about that having been in the USN. He has done just about every dirty job you can think of, and yes he even worked on a rig with roughnecks. He, like a lot of lazy Americans is not afraid to get in there and do the work. About what he said about 7 mil. have taken themselves out of the work force, he was talking about able bodied males who are too lazy to get a job.
What's going on everyone,

Well, I got news last week that my position is being eliminated and I'll be laid off in 3 weeks, day before I was supposed to take a 2 week trip turkey hunting, which looks like will have to be canceled.

The job market is hit or miss these days and depends on industry. I am wondering if any of you know of anything available or if you're hiring yourself.

Bulk of my experience is in inventory management for retail (Cabela's and Target) and OEM demand planning/forecast management. I was also an outfitter for a while in Colorado as well.

We are moving to central Texas in 2 months so I am looking for stuff in the are but I've also been working remote for the last 3 years (like many others) so I'm hopeful for a remote position.

Would appreciate any and all leads or recommendations. I appreciate it everyone!
Comcast is always hiring and alot of is 100% virtual now. As long as you show up well for interviews, Virtually, Youd probably be able to land a gig. Ive worked for them going on 19 years now. Easily could of taken other opportunities that paid a bit more but the culture at Comcast is what has kept me here. Would not want to work anywhere else.
I agree with some of what you say, but have you ever watched Dirty Jobs, yes some of it is scripted, they can't go letting their star get serious hunt. He has slopped hogs, sheared sheep, wrestled crocks, gone into boilers and done hot and cold sides, I know all about that having been in the USN. He has done just about every dirty job you can think of, and yes he even worked on a rig with roughnecks. He, like a lot of lazy Americans is not afraid to get in there and do the work. About what he said about 7 mil. have taken themselves out of the work force, he was talking about able bodied males who are too lazy to get a job.
Big difference filming a show segment vs doing the job for decades.

The lack of bodies is multifaceted. Our company can't hire enough people. But they also pay shit to start which is probably the biggest factor. They haven't figured out that an EMT wants to make more per hr than someone at Starbucks.
Pretty sure every police agency in the nation is begging for people and all you need for that is a “somewhat” clean record and a pulse.
Yep they are hiring bad here. They will pay $28/hr while you are in the academy and as soon as you graduate you get bumped to $37/hr
Big difference filming a show segment vs doing the job for decades.

The lack of bodies is multifaceted. Our company can't hire enough people. But they also pay shit to start which is probably the biggest fact
Big difference filming a show segment vs doing the job for decades.

The lack of bodies is multifaceted. Our company can't hire enough people. But they also pay shit to start which is probably the biggest factor. They haven't figured out that an EMT wants to make more per hr than someone at Starbucks.
It was never the shows intent to make him look like he did these jobs every day, but to show people what hard working Americans do daily to make a living. Most of the jobs were, just what the show was named for, Dirty hard jobs. He has nothing but respect for those who those jobs every day. I sent a request to the producer to have them come out to one of our job sites and have him help change out a reduction gear on a cooling tower fan. We had to do the job while the other half of the tower fan was still online. Hot, humid, wet, noisy, blowing air. He would have loved it, but it was on short notice and the timing would not have worked out. Dirty Job.
You nailed it. I'd been working full remote for 5 years before COVID made it cool. I've also been with the same digital healthcare company for 14 years. Today is my anniversary ironically enough.

However, there are tons of green kids out there with freshly minted computer science degrees that think they "deserve" full remote jobs. The majority of kids in their early 20s that want to get into tech, tech project management, etc...., absolutely need to spend time in the trenches on a help desk or other entry level job before they start making demands. My stepson graduates with CS degree in May from the U of I. He's interviewing for jobs and is wondering if $55-60k is a good starting wage or if he should ask for more. SMH...
I live in Moscow and I’ve had lots of friends go to U of I. One of them got a CS degree and his starting pay out of college was 130k a year, so it’s possible to get better than 55k. Downside is you still have to pay for college whereas with a trade the company pays for school 😉
Comcast is always hiring and alot of is 100% virtual now. As long as you show up well for interviews, Virtually, Youd probably be able to land a gig. Ive worked for them going on 19 years now. Easily could have taken other opportunities that paid a bit more but the culture at Comcast is what has kept me here. Would not want to work anywhere else.
What exactly is the culture there? That’s actually a very important factor and hearing that from someone with 19 years says a lot.

Edit, can you get me a discount? 🤣
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