Alright, I'm not well known here, but I have had a stone sheep hunt booked for this year and also burned all my draw luck on the WY sheep super tag........ After killing my desert sheep in UT last year, I can not wait for September. My outfitter from last year hooked me up on both of my outfitters this year otherwise I wouldn't have had any clue where to start. Being from TX, I plan to drive to WY and also northern BC ( I aint leaving my sheep in BC)...... Im down over 40lbs from 2 years ago, and down 8lbs from my UT sheep hunt...... trying to get another 15lbs cut that will get me right at 200 and where I want to be. Ive been down the lightweight forum and have pretty much all the gear I need for both hunts, minus a good camera and a few small things...... I'll keep this thread going and post pics along the way. Good luck to all those that drew a tag this year!
Summer is almost here and about to get a couple new rifles broke in
Summer is almost here and about to get a couple new rifles broke in