2024 Best Wild Sheep Hunt Photo Contest, by Stone Glacier

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Awesome captures of some incredible adventures and great rams fellars!

I had to go about 80 miles from home for my adventure - I could hunt the mornings and be home for lunch...and it was truly an awesome OIL experience I made the most of!!

'24 SE Idaho California Bighorn:
September 7th, 2024. I’m a Yukon resident and my brother and I went on his birthday early in the morning for a day trip to my special draw bow zone. It was my third trip out to the area and some sheep happened to be on the right side of the mountain to be able to get it done on a day trip. Ended up stalking a group of 10 sheep for 3 hours. I finally shot an arrow at 40 yards but it was a little far back. I waited another 3 hours then stalked in closer and shot another arrow which I completely missed. Luckily they did not move and I shot a third arrow right in the breadbasket. I’m super happy to have harvested this nice curled 8 and a half year old for my first sheep with a bow !5676D5FF-87FE-4EC7-A027-1F2B80F93F69.jpeg
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Entry deadline was Dec 10, but silly me forgot to set a reminder to lock the thread!

It's locked now, we'll let the late entries know that they're eligible for next years!

Voting will start soon
OK all you sheep nuts, Rokstaff is just finishing up the top 10 finalists list. I'll be building the voting thread in the next few days so members can start voting. It'll be a separate thread posted at the top of this Sheep subforum

hold tight!
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