Muley mounts... Post up!

I'm with RidgeRunner!!! I want to see David's WALLS!!!! :)

177" GROSS

Me too I am still waiting on my wifes 2010 buck to make it back.

That is a great archery buck MJ.

Holy cow, that's quite a wait huh?? And I thought my taxi tellin me 6 months was a long time! I'm sure yours will be worth it tho! I can't wait to post mine up in the next couple months...
Yea he said 14 months but we are going on 16. Is ok because I am still tyring to round up enough money for hers 2010 buck and my 2011 buck that is waiting also.
Hey JAKE!!!

Don Fager does all my stuff out there off of Woodman. Both my 2010 KS and this year's 2011. pics of the KS yet...its hanging up back there.
Rebecca, so cool to see them all together. The top right is my favorite. 30"?

Also, did you have them all mounted at once to fit the display, or did you think positively, build the display for the first buck knowing you'd fill the other two slots?
The right is 29 in. grossed 210 (7 x 8), the middle is 28 in. grossed 184, and the left is 28 in. and grossed 174 (6 x 7).
I actually got the three bucks over a few years all on OTC tags on public land, then later on decided to mount them together at one time.
What about the rack down low??

We were riding our horses over to pick up some meat we hung in a tree and saw part of the horn sticking out of the ground. We pulled it out and it was broken, but massive! We looked around a little more and found the broken piece. We don't know if it died from the winter or what but that thing is a monster! It was on the same hillside I shoot most of my deer. Good genes.