Muley mounts... Post up!

BOHNTR- Your the man. I love looking at the bucks you have taken.

I have done euro mounts on all my bucks. Waiting for a buck over the 180 mark to maybe mount.
Gotta love the euro mounts.
Here is my best muley and a whitetail that thought muleys were cool and grew some forks of his own. Shot him to far east for him to be a cross or I'd have questioned it with his width and the forks.


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Here I'll try for you

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Cool! Thanks. I'm not much of a computer guy.
Wish I had my buck from this year up there. He wont be done for a while. Going to move the far right buck over and stuff the new buck in the corner with the opposite wall pedestal of the middle buck. the 2 outside bucks there are a combined 3" shy of 400"