I tried to get my wife to do this with me but she said no way...too many flashbacks of P90x haha!

Day 4 was a nice break from the first three days but still not easy. I made some modifications as I don't have a pullup bar and didn't want to go driving by schools until I found one. Do schools even have pullup bars anymore? I just subbed for rows with some dumbbells we have at home.

Day 5 looks like it will be tough but it isn't as high impact as day 1-3. Tomorrow is supposed to be a nice day and with everyone "social distancing" it will make for a nice time in the foothills.
Well week 1 is down. Took longer than I anticipated...few days between Day 1 and 2 for soreness and then I caught a spring bug and was under the weather for a few days. Today was a good 2.38 mile ruck that I did in 27:27. On to week 2!
Whelp, my day 1 became day zero after my daughter talked me into going for "a short run" with her...additional recovery day now added.

I really don't remember this in my 30's.

Well week 1 is down. Took longer than I anticipated...few days between Day 1 and 2 for soreness and then I caught a spring bug and was under the weather for a few days. Today was a good 2.38 mile ruck that I did in 27:27. On to week 2!
Whelp, my day 1 became day zero after my daughter talked me into going for "a short run" with her...additional recovery day now added.

I really don't remember this in my 30's.

Im saying the same thing about my 20s haha!

Day 2 of Week 2 down. This one was hard. First part was somewhat difficult and then they threw me into the 22s...but a different version of the 22s. I usually have a tough time activating my chest when bench pressing but after today, my chest will be toasted. This was a good one.
Day 2 down. I think the hardest part for me was trying to stay in the heart rate they suggest...about half way through said screw it and ran at a pace that my legs are comfortable with. I'm 6'3 and all legs so jogging doesn't really work for me. The core work was tough but not unbearable. Day 3 looks tough but Day 1 built some mental confidence that is definitely going to carry to Day 3...and it's needed!

Did this workout again today but they upped the cardio and doubled the core work. Running is getting easier as I figure out how to pace myself with my long stride. I've never ran for distance, only short bursts in sports so it has been fun learning something new. The core work was tough last week but didn't kill me...this week I feel like someone rung my body out like a rag. My core is, simply put, sore. Beartooth tomorrow!
Did this workout again today but they upped the cardio and doubled the core work. Running is getting easier as I figure out how to pace myself with my long stride. I've never ran for distance, only short bursts in sports so it has been fun learning something new. The core work was tough last week but didn't kill me...this week I feel like someone rung my body out like a rag. My core is, simply put, sore. Beartooth tomorrow!

Off day today which I didn't expect...did the warmup and have soreness that is altering my stride and putting stress on my knee that I haven't felt before. Would tough through it but not risking an injury. Will try again tomorrow.
Well...I am going to have to take some considerable amount of time off of this program. I tried to do the workout again today and have developed shin splits to the point of not really being able to move past the pace of walking. Pretty disappointed but I should have known it would come to this as I have never been able to run on pavement without having some sort of shin splint pain or knee pain. Guess we will see how things shake out.
Found this program after being cooped up for the last couple weeks. Day one today.....painful but exactly what I need.

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Completely unsatisfied with day 1 performance, I took a couple days off and tried it again. Improvement today, but still slow. My main problem is I am getting a terrible headache as soon as I progress through the jump lunges and then it stays with me through the workout causing me to slowdown. I’ve never claimed to be in excellent shape.....but I’ve never experienced anything like these “exercise headaches” before, but they’re a real pain in arse.

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Finally back on the program after a week away. It felt like I was going to be out for a few weeks...luckily I am married to an athletic trainer who can get me back on my feet fairly quickly. Beartooth kicked my backside a little more than I wanted it to but after time away, I'm not surprised. On to tomorrow!
Completely unsatisfied with day 1 performance, I took a couple days off and tried it again. Improvement today, but still slow. My main problem is I am getting a terrible headache as soon as I progress through the jump lunges and then it stays with me through the workout causing me to slowdown. I’ve never claimed to be in excellent shape.....but I’ve never experienced anything like these “exercise headaches” before, but they’re a real pain in arse.

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Occasionally get those myself. Couple of things...make sure you are well hydrated. And stay well hydrated. More important is breathe. Get into regular breathing pattern and don't hold your breath or get into a valsalva (pushing against a closed airway like you are pushing a shit). Exhale completely. As you get more into program, it will get better.
Occasionally get those myself. Couple of things...make sure you are well hydrated. And stay well hydrated. More important is breathe. Get into regular breathing pattern and don't hold your breath or get into a valsalva (pushing against a closed airway like you are pushing a shit). Exhale completely. As you get more into program, it will get better.

Good to hear! Regular breathing is definitely something I need to try to work on. Day 2 I felt much better. A little bit of a hangover from yesterday early on, but it got easier and ended up getting 2.6 miles in during the 22 minutes.

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Finally back on the program after a week away. It felt like I was going to be out for a few weeks...luckily I am married to an athletic trainer who can get me back on my feet fairly quickly. Beartooth kicked my backside a little more than I wanted it to but after time away, I'm not surprised. On to tomorrow!

Finished W2D4 and feel good. Still some shin pain but not too bad. I did find out that I have been running double the recommended distance...oops...:ROFLMAO:
Finished W2D4 and feel good. Still some shin pain but not too bad. I did find out that I have been running double the recommended distance...oops...:ROFLMAO:

Week 2 down. I really like the "Ruck March" as they call it...something about having your pack on with weight!
W3D1 done. Kind of an awkward workout but I can see why these exercises were incorporated. The spiderman crawls took a set to figure out because they were awkward and I couldn't figure out which muscles needed to activate. Once I figured it out, I could feel it. I am a little disappointed in not having a pullup bar but the dumbbells are getting me by. Day 2 is cardio day and I am a bit worried as these are the days that are killing my shins and the time keeps going up...going to push through.
W3D1 done. Kind of an awkward workout but I can see why these exercises were incorporated. The spiderman crawls took a set to figure out because they were awkward and I couldn't figure out which muscles needed to activate. Once I figured it out, I could feel it. I am a little disappointed in not having a pullup bar but the dumbbells are getting me by. Day 2 is cardio day and I am a bit worried as these are the days that are killing my shins and the time keeps going up...going to push through.

Shins a little sore still but the pain on the lower inside of them is gone and that what was hurting the most. Ran 3.22 miles in 29'34"...then came the ab workout...what a burner! I have a feeling they might slap 2 rounds on me next week for the cardio day. Day 3 is the Magic Pill...I know they have this one posted on YouTube if anyone cares to take a look. Looks tough but I have a feeling it will mostly be a mental challenge.
Shins a little sore still but the pain on the lower inside of them is gone and that what was hurting the most. Ran 3.22 miles in 29'34"...then came the ab workout...what a burner! I have a feeling they might slap 2 rounds on me next week for the cardio day. Day 3 is the Magic Pill...I know they have this one posted on YouTube if anyone cares to take a look. Looks tough but I have a feeling it will mostly be a mental challenge.

At about the same point in the program. Did the magic pill last night. Might have been the most difficult one for me so far outside of the first 22's. Those jump lunges are brutal, legs are already feeling sore today!
At about the same point in the program. Did the magic pill last night. Might have been the most difficult one for me so far outside of the first 22's. Those jump lunges are brutal, legs are already feeling sore today!

Definitely the most difficult for me so far. My body actually failed me...I had to give in at 260 lunges. I did the other 40 later that night so technically I finished, but not the way I wanted to.