MTN TOUGH Backcountry Hunting Postseason Program Thread

Week 12 day 4:

The Jimmy or The 12’s.

12 calories on any machine, followed by 12 lunge push presses, 12 dumbbell cleans and 12 goblet squats for 10 rounds. They have adjustments for beginner, intermediate and expert based off how many rounds you go. I didn’t know we were supposed to time it until it was over, so I didn’t do that. Probably not very fast, I’d say 40 minutes or so. I hardly ever drink and last night we had a few with visiting family... alcohol 110% impacts you cardio. HA.

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Week 12 Day 4:

The “Jimmy” beat me pretty good.

Wait ... um ... it was hard... oh no.

Never mind.

Like Jordan, I also did ten rounds and there was no mention of “for time” in the video, so I don’t know what that came to.

What I do know is that my legs were sore all week.
Week 13:

The video said this is the last week of heavy weight strength training.

Day 1:

Similar to last week with the main superset beings squats/incline bench. Upped the weights again, and felt really good.

This is the strongest I have been in a decade or more. I am looking forwards to the next, more fitness-oriented phase of the program, though.
Would this be a good program to get if I want to lose weight?

I would say the pre season program would be for sure. The post season program is more for building muscle back you lost during season. Neither would be a bad option for some exercise, you’ll certainly burn calories. Throw a good meal plan in and you’d be rolling.

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I would say the pre season program would be for sure. The post season program is more for building muscle back you lost during season. Neither would be a bad option for some exercise, you’ll certainly burn calories. Throw a good meal plan in and you’d be rolling.

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Thank you for the reply! I will continue to look into it more.
Week 13.

Basically the same as the last couple weeks. 2 days strength and 3 days cardio. Last week was the last week of the heavy strength portion I believe. Now onto week 14!

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Week 14 day 1. The Crippler.

Row 2500m (about 1.5 miles) and every 3 minutes jump off the machine and do 15 gobblet squats and 15 pushups. The goal is to stop the least amount of times before hitting 1.5 miles. I don’t have a rower so I ran/walked on the treadmill. I’d run 8mph until I was tired then I’d walk at 4mph to cool down a minute then would run again. The first time through I stopped 5 times.

Then onto strength. 4 rounds of Squats, incline press, walking lunges and barbell rows were today. Then you finish off with another round of the 2500m row/run. It’s called the Crippler for a reason! Good workout overall, this one takes a while though.

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Week 14 day 3. The Noodle.

This was a super simple workout, but I’ll feel it tomorrow.

Superset 10 rounds.

10 squats
2:00 rest, but you do 10 pull-ups during the rest.

So later on in the rounds it’ll take you longer to do the 10 pull-ups so you don’t get as much rest.

Creative for sure!

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Week 14 starts the next phase which is more HIIT oriented training.


Week 14 Day 1: The Crippler

Aptly named

Stopped 4 times first time through the row. Stopped 3 times the second time through.

Heavy on squats and incline bench.

Week 14 Day 2: 45’s

This workout starts and ends with fast 1/2 miles.

In between 5 rounds of 15 cal cardio, 15 cleans that split between squat clean and press, clean and press, and straight cleans followed by wall balls or squat DB press.

Another great HIIT workout.
Week 14 Day 3:


Interesting workout.

No matter how you break it up, 100 squats and 100 pull-ups are a lot...

After days 1 and 2 this week my quads were burning with all those squats.
Week 15 Day 1:

Same as last week.

Only stopped 3 times for goblet squats and pushups both times I did the 2500 m row.

This is a great workout.
Week 15 Day 2:

Run, 5 rounds of various cleans and squat presses, run.

A good fast workout.

I minimized time between rounds and sets, and really got to sweating.

No pain. Feeling great.
Week 15 Day 3:

100 squats and 100 pull-ups split into supersets of 10 each.

Man those pull-ups are rough those last few sets.
Finished up day 5 today of week 14.

Sustained cardio for 45 mins. Will begin week 15 in the morning.

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Last Week!!!

Day 1 was “Sarah’s Sick”

Essentially a 3500m row with numerous weighted lunges, squat presses, and box over burpees thrown in at 30 second intervals.

Yesterday was Day 3:

The Alsobrook.

This is rounds of running, push-ups, pull-ups, rating weighted lower body work, and rows.

Maybe my favorite workout of the whole program .