MTN TOUGH Backcountry Hunting Postseason Program Thread

Week 10 Day 2 was “the Bear” again.

Since I have recovered from my Illness I really pushed this one this morning. I took a short break during the 30 burpees (split it into two sets of 15 with a 1 minute break between)

Other than that pushed it from every 500m row straight to the swings and goblet squats. High effort and strict form.

Feeling good
Alright everyone just an update. I completed week 10 day 1 on Monday but due to winter storm Ulmer I did not complete. We stayed at the main ranch (no gym) during the storm and are actually still snowed in! I will be restarting week 10 on Monday, repeating day 1 and moving on from there. Hope everyone in the path of this storm stayed safe.

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Week 10 day 1!

Same as week 9. My Bulgarian squats have gotten much better. Feels good to be back going. After last week I was feeling pretty mushy.

Actually looking forward to “The Bear” tomorrow

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Week 10 day 1!

Same as week 9. My Bulgarian squats have gotten much better. Feels good to be back going. After last week I was feeling pretty mushy.

Actually looking forward to “The Bear” tomorrow

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“The Bear”. Can’t wait to hear about this one!

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Week 10 day 2 complete.

Good cardio day. My cardio is very noticeably better than when I started the program. The Bear was the workout today. .3 miles on the treadmill followed by kettle bell swings. Run, 40 swings, run 30 swings, run, 20 swings then switch to squats and repeat back up to 40. Probably my favorite cardio workout in the program.

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Week 11 Day 1:

This week is a recovery week before the next phase, but ...

Today was “the 22s” with supersets of jumpsquats/pushups, and jumping lunges/ renegade rows.

Certainly no slacker workout.
Week 11 Day 2:

This was a great cardio workout. EMOM on a cardio machine increasing calories every minute until you are unable to complete the calories in the minute.

I used a ski machine and failed at 17 calories.

I then did 30 minutes on the treadmill.

It felt awesome to get some cardio in after weeks of strength-focused work.
Week 11 Day 3 was just an extended mobility day, so I got that in last night and moved on to Week 11 Day 4 this morning:

22s with step-ups/z press and later leg curls/bar curls.

Another solid workout. My strength has improved pretty dramatically with the postseason strength program, but I am not losing weight.
Catching up... week 10 day 3,4,5

Day 3 was back to lifting. Same exercises as week 9. Solid workout.

Day 4 was Mt Blackburn cardio. I did the cardio portion on the treadmill. I really like this workout. I typically hate cardio but most of the cardio days are more than just running, it’s kind of fun.

Day 5 was the 8 mile road march. I’ll admit we didn’t do the 8 all at once. Split it into 4 and 4 between Friday and today. Busy time of year for us and just don’t have the time for 8 in one shot.

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Week 11 day 1.
Back to 22’s. They’re easier but still aren’t fun!

Week 11 day 2.
This workout was adding a calorie every minute until you can’t complete that number of calories in the minute. This workout is best on a machine like the tower or bike but I did it on the treadmill.

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Sounds like you all are making great progress. Matt has said he’s not losing weight but how do you feel your body composition is changing? If it is at all? Thanks for the info
Sounds like you all are making great progress. Matt has said he’s not losing weight but how do you feel your body composition is changing? If it is at all? Thanks for the info

My legs have certainly gotten more toned from the leg work. My cardio has also gotten much better. Typically I would just go hike with my pack on, but it seems like the high intensity cardio mixed with the sustained cardio has really helped me out. My diet hasn't exactly been dialed in so I can't input on my weight loss/gain.
Week 12.

Day 1: Same as week 10 with some difference on the end of the workout. Down to 4 reps for the squats and incline bench. I have to say I’m surprised they’re upping the weight and lowering the reps. I thought we’d stay in the 6-10 rep range. This is the strength building program though.

Day 2: Bury the Hatchet. This one caught me by surprise, I felt smoked! 3:30 run on the treadmill as fast as you could followed by kettlebell swings. Run again for 3:30 then squat presses. Repeat while alternating the swings and presses. I used 40 for the presses (to 20’s) and I used 43 lbs for the swings.

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Week 12 day 3:

Deadlifts and pull-ups were the big strength portion. Weight step ups, bicep curls, dumbbell rows were some others. The core portion was pretty wicked on this one! Like 130ish reps total of ab exercises

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My week 12 so far:

Day 1: this was prescribed really heavy, but I went a little lighter to avoid injury. My quads were smoked.

Day 2: Sore from yesterday and had to do the treadmill/KBs/treadmill/squat presses. This was all about how fast I had the treadmill going. Tough workout, but I really liked it.

Had to take some ibuprofen for my quad soreness.
Week 12 Day 3:

Deadlifts/pushups followed by two more supersets then core.

My legs still haven’t recovered from Day 1 this week.