Moving out West

Idaho is full. Wyoming is full. Montana has been full for a while. There are many multi Generation families out West that are not at all interested in any influx of more people.

I don't think things will ever be the same and some of the most remote and beautiful micro towns and map dots are being descended upon in droves. Once StarLink is up and functional and the bugs worked out....there will be no reason these uber remote places can't support masses. Internet and Amazon to your door in BFE.
I will echo what Buzz said, as he is pretty well spot on with his reccomendation. The biggest issue at the moment is the astronical rate that we have real estate moving right now. It is pretty well insanity and that is driving up the price significantly. Starter homes in my area are going to be things of the past for a while .
There are so many good options that you will need to give much more detail to get good recommendations.

Ignore all the crotchety people saying places are full, you will find far more friendly folks than people like that pretty much anywhere out west.
There are so many good options that you will need to give much more detail to get good recommendations.

Ignore all the crotchety people saying places are full, you will find far more friendly folks than people like that pretty much anywhere out west.
They're just being honest, not grouches. Prime example Couer D Lene Idaho. It can literally take and hour to drive through that town sometimes with all the traffic now, used to take ten minutes.

It's like that in a lot of places, Kalispel, Missoula, ect.
Take a very hard look at housing, purchase and rental. Covid and political flight is real and it is pushing numbers to points of insanity. I lumped renting into the comment because I am willing to bet there is an overall shortage. Honestly, I would sit tight for a while and let the dust settle.
There are so many good options that you will need to give much more detail to get good recommendations.

Ignore all the crotchety people saying places are full, you will find far more friendly folks than people like that pretty much anywhere out west.
No ones being crotchety just the truth. More people= equals worse quality of living. Best advice so far is stay put or look at SD, WY, or AK
Research cost of living vs wages above all else imo. Take into account commuting, housing, food, gas, taxes, etc... In your shoes I would look hard at Nebraska or South Dakota. Both have great hunting, cheap cost of living vs wages paid, and are within reasonable driving distance to the mountains. New Mexico wouldn't be a bad option either but their current politics would have to be considered.
As a CE you are kind of screwed....from a CS/EE doing mixed signal IC design. Your basic choices are going to be boise / SLC, front range, Tucson or Phoenix. Depends on what you are looking for role wise and cost of living wise. I have not seen anything when I looked in MT but a few really small companies.

Most companies will want new hires on site to get them ramped up. I know all of the interns are being allowed to stay remote this year. New hires are being requested to move to site city and then work remotely for the moment. Small engineering, non-manufacturing sites when we have had people get sick are limited impact. ( small teams that work together in groups of 10 or so) ..when it gets loose in a manufacturing site and shifts get shut down you end up w/ all sorts of downstream problems.

California is a mess in the bay area. Stuff is ridiculously expensive still...beautiful but you are bleeding money on rent to pay for a 1 bedroom studio. Lot's of guys I know are dogpiling into a house to save money. Several bailed on their leases at beginning of covid and are working out of state but still getting raked by california taxes but they are still coming out ahead.

You are going to be stuck making decision of going for stuff you love and maybe not best job or better job that may not be exactly where you want to be.
No ones being crotchety just the truth. More people= equals worse quality of living. Best advice so far is stay put or look at SD, WY, or AK
Pretty much the human condition. People like to say that everybody has a right to use a public resource (like your local public hunting ground) or that everybody has a right to move where ever they want (like some of the people here). This is absolutely true, but it fails to take into account that the more people using or moving, the less desirable the resource or location will become.

It's not crotchety at all to state the obvious. I'm all for let's all share, but you can't deny that it will also be the downfall of pretty much everything, unless we annex Canada and get some more room, eh?
No ones being crotchety just the truth. More people= equals worse quality of living. Best advice so far is stay put or look at SD, WY, or AK

After living out in the sticks and not traveling out of state for the past 2 years I was absolutely shocked at how rude people were when I got down south to visit family.
There has just been a bloom of houses on the market here in Idaho. People are looking forward to taking some newcomer money. Houses that were 375k a year ago are listing for 550k. Not sure where these folks selling are going though, maybe farther west to Caldwell and Nampa, Melba, Weiser…dunno.
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Pretty much the human condition. People like to say that everybody has a right to use a public resource (like your local public hunting ground) or that everybody has a right to move where ever they want (like some of the people here). This is absolutely true, but it fails to take into account that the more people using or moving, the less desirable the resource or location will become.

It's not crotchety at all to state the obvious. I'm all for let's all share, but you can't deny that it will also be the downfall of pretty much everything, unless we annex Canada and get some more room, eh?
I’ve been thinking this, we really should just dissolve the borders both north and south and everything be part of the US in Canada and Mexico. Shit ton of more room for you Californians to flee to
Stay put and save yourself from the rising cost of living in any of the western states and then afford to do more hunting trips in various other states

or like the above mentioned move to California
this is actually pretty sound advice. Living in Colorado with the cost of living, its starting to suck. I've considered moving to the midwest to save money and use that to buy great hunts in Canada or Alaska. The hunting in Colorado, even as a resident is not what it used to be.