Moving out West

Boise area is a little rough right now as far as housing goes. It boomed and building didn’t keep up. My brother lives there and his house has tripled in less than 10 years.

The only advice I can give is that if you want to come to the West do it while you are young. It does not get easier as you get older and more settled. My wife and I him hawed on heading south when we got married but never did. 5 years later I wish we would have just done it.
Yeah I’ve found that out over the past few months, I lucked out on a some pretty cheap rent for a farmhouse. $1500 for 3 bed one bath on 50 acres outside of Boise. And I agree I don’t ever wanna be to tied to a place unless I own land there.
Yeah I’ve found that out over the past few months, I lucked out on a some pretty cheap rent for a farmhouse. $1500 for 3 bed one bath on 50 acres outside of Boise. And I agree I don’t ever wanna be to tied to a place unless I own land there.
Boise area isnt a bad spot. Decent paying jobs and opportunities. I am not a big city person but if you put a gun to my head and made me move to one, Boise would probably be the one I choose.
30, recently single, working for a company remote and trying figure out what to do has me up reading and applying for jobs across the west now haha thanks rok