- Joined
- Sep 11, 2017
I would have to go with Wyoming.
You saw the Idaho lawyer thread. LolYea, kind of figured it would be implied that one must meet the residency requirements to gain residency in each state...
Funny how that works huh?Many moving to Idaho will end up in the Tijuana Valley, Ada County for instance: median income=$40,700 median home price=$570,000. Math don't math up on that.
Howdy, I am about to graduate from college and I am wanting to move out west to hunt and snowboard. My original plan was to move to Idaho and get a lifetime license so that I could still have resident draw odds if I later decided to move again. Is this a decent idea? What states would you all recommend for someone to move to? Only downside I’ve found with Idaho seems to be that there’s not a ton of work up north where I’d probably want to be. Any insight is appreciated. Would just like some general advice as well on how you all would do it if you could do it again or how you did do it if you like how it went for you.
I’m 30 min up the road in la la land… bassackwards up here… truly sad what my home state has become. Wyo would be top of the list they hook residents upI feel like it depends a lot on your own personal situation and more so the local scene. I live on the front range in Colorado in a solidly red county. Drive 30 minutes up the road and it's a different story.
I’m 30 min up the road in la la land… bassackwards up here… truly sad what my home state has become. Wyo would be top of the list they hook residents up
Trust me, avoid WA, for numerous reasons (OR and CA too). Hunting and skiing are marginal at best. No better skiing than Utah or maybe CO. If I was to take a hunting state? Probably go WY.
You sold my fat ass at authentic Mexican foodNew Mexico. Skiing at Toas. Elk in the Gila. No wolves or grizzly bears.
All the authentic mexican food a fella can eat.
Good trout fishing. Buiser pronghorn.
Auodad, ibex, oryx.
LOL…residents can’t get resident tags unless you are very lucky like a super lotto winner but few are that lucky. You could go years without getting drawn for anything. Unless you are wealthy. If are a wealthy resident you can contact an outfitter and try to get a landowner tag but likely won’t get one. Most of the big game tags go to non-residents for $5,000 to $20,000 + . If you know a landowner you might get a tag but he better be your best friend or be prepared to plop down many thousands of dollars for it. Seems like the idiots are leaving California (land of the fruits and nuts) to come to a Western state. Unfortunately we get too many California anti-hunters with the: “look at the cute kitties and puppies” non-sense. People that have only seen wolves and mountain lions on television.I would definitely move to NM and shoot giant elk.