More gun control from the public land "sportsmen's" group


Dec 8, 2018
Didn't this guy used to be on the Board of Directors at BHA? What's up with all of this BHA anti gun crap?

I have his book on hold at the library. I want to know exactly what his perspective is. He’s become a darling of the media/democrats. That fact should worry anyone.

Although I love owning an ar-15 he has some points about the glorification of the tactical world. I disagree with his points, but they are well thought out and hard to argue. Before anyone attacks I would never ever give up any gun for any politician.

Where he has a shit argument is when he compares civilian army tanks to semi auto rifles. He said on the Seek Outside podcast “we can’t own tanks so why should we own military rifles” or something very similar. Comparing the two weapons was the most childish argument apples to oranges ever.
Although I love owning an ar-15 he has some points about the glorification of the tactical world. I disagree with his points, but they are well thought out and hard to argue. Before anyone attacks I would never ever give up any gun for any politician.

Where he has a shit argument is when he compares civilian army tanks to semi auto rifles. He said on the Seek Outside podcast “we can’t own tanks so why should we own military rifles” or something very similar. Comparing the two weapons was the most childish argument apples to oranges ever.

Part of what folks like him who make seemingly rational arguments about Uber tacticalization or something miss is that the guns are actually not the reason people fight so hard for them. It is often pure distrust Of elected officials who simply show no support for or act in defense of the individual. It’s the creeping March of totalitarianism that people can see as the result of just giving in to more and more laws. Take the magazine ban. Millions Upon millions of those magazines are used without incident across the country. So, when a lawmaker wants to take them, there must, out of necessity, be a reason other than the actual safety numbers as to why they want to take them. They hide behind rhetoric (increased safety), which further causes the hun owners to be suspicious of their motives.
Quote...”. Busse’s book ultimately argues for a return to what he believes is a more reasonable culture of gun ownership that previously existed in the United States, and a focus on bringing about policy, like universal background checks, which he believes would be beneficial for those who own guns and those who don’t.”

Anyone who advocates for ‘registration’ of guns should automatically disqualify him from an honest conversation about our second amendment. Every past registration program, anywhere in the world, led to confiscation and worse.
Point 2. Of course the media trumpets his stance. The media wants your guns too. They will never stop trying to get your guns. Our founding fathers were much smarter than we give them credit for. They understood the Second amendment protects the First.
Gun ownership in my family has always been #1- a hedge against tyrrany as the forefathers so wisely intended and #2- for hunting.

There are some firearms out there that I have to shake and scratch my head about, but that goes for cars, trucks, and pretty much every other consumer item out there... That doesn't mean I want to ban any of them just because I don't like their appearance.
way more money and opportunities working for the san fran far left than a gun company.
The sad thing is that our government was more than willing to give the Taliban 1000's of M4 rifles that we aren't even allowed to own here in the U.S. On top of that, Biden has sent the same, along with pallets of ammo and other weapons to the Ukraine.........but again.......his own citizens aren't allowed to have them. He would have been better off sending them to citizens to help secure our own border.......instead of the Ukraine's border. There are only 100k Russian troops threatening to cross that border, yet Biden has invited and allowed over 2 million invaders from around the world to cross our southern border without any resistance at all. SMH
The sad thing is that our government was more than willing to give the Taliban 1000's of M4 rifles that we aren't even allowed to own here in the U.S. On top of that, Biden has sent the same, along with pallets of ammo and other weapons to the Ukraine.........but again.......his own citizens aren't allowed to have them. He would have been better off sending them to citizens to help secure our own border.......instead of the Ukraine's border. There are only 100k Russian troops threatening to cross that border, yet Biden has invited and allowed over 2 million invaders from around the world to cross our southern border without any resistance at all. SMH
Didn't this guy used to be on the Board of Directors at BHA? What's up with all of this BHA anti gun crap?

He was also a senior executive at Kimber for decades. His whole schtick is lifetime gun guy turned gun control advocate. I wouldn't ascribe his current views to BHA.
He said on the Seek Outside podcast “we can’t own tanks so why should we own military rifles” or something very similar. Comparing the two weapons was the most childish argument apples to oranges ever.

It's a pretty dumb comment when you consider the fact that civilians absolutely can and do own tanks. Someone should have called him out on his ignorance.