Simple answer: Dude's a Democrat. That's literally the whole thing.
From BHA:
- BHA members are politically diverse: 32 percent of respondents identify as Independent, 25 percent as Republican and 16 percent as Democrat (17 percent responded “none of the above” and 10 percent preferred not to answer).
The group has people from across the political spectrum. Democrats are the minority, but there's still plenty of them. It's an easy easy issue to get people on both sides of the aisle to come together on (which incidentally used to be considered a good thing before like 70% of the people in this country were slowly devolved into slobbering morons by the 24 hour national news cycle).
Here's a short list of other things I, having never met Land Tawney or Ryan Busse, am pretty sure they might be for:
Socialized healthcare
Climate change legislation
Democrats are generally pro gun-control. Lots of Democrats who hunt think you should be able to have certain guns and not others. Or that everyone should have to get a background check or undergo training to own a firearm. It's fine if you don't think that. Just like it's fine if you think the free market provides better solutions for health insurance.
Democrats tend to favor gun control legislation. In other news the sun is hot and water gets you wet.